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Program Announcements / Indigo - A DBPro IDE Alternative

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Posted: 2nd Oct 2010 22:21 Edited at: 27th Mar 2017 01:29

Introducing Indigo - A DBPro IDE Alternative.

After many months of tweaking and testing, Indigo is being released. Many of the suggestions that were made regarding my last IDE project can be found in Indigo.

> Versatile Syntax Highlighting - Keywords, user functions, labels, variables (global and local), constants, types.
> Virtual Folders - Clean up your long list of includes by putting them into Virtual Folders. Expand only the folder that you want open.
> Restore Lost Include - Added advanced option to restore lost includes to pick additional folder locations. {Activated version}
> Separate Function/Label Window - Now able to open Functions and Labels in a separate window of their own. {Activated version}
> Full Element Indexing - All functions / labels / types / variables / constants from all files (opened or not) are indexed.
> Syntax Checking - Added checking the number of parameters in a function call.
> Error Reporting - Added window to show all known syntax errors from all includes (open or not) in one place. And jump to that line in the project.
> Intellisense - If you cannot remember an Element name (built-in or user-defined), just start the keyword (eg: coll) then hit Ctrl+Space for a list of matching Elements. There's an option to have Intellisense ('Auto Suggest') appear after typing 3 characters (or however many you'd like) rather than manually with Crtl+Space.
> Intellisense for UDT's - Quickly get to the attributes of your User Defined Types. Type your UDT and following the 'Dot' press Crtl+Space, and the 'Auto Suggest' produces the list of Attributes for the UDT. There's an option to have Intellisense appear once you press the 'Dot' after your UDT.
> Line Overview - Get a quick overview of the location of functions, labels, comments, declarations, errors, and multiple instances of selected words.
> Restore Include - Option to restore lost includes.
> Line Folding - Clear valuable coding space by folding Functions / Labels as well as IF / FOR / SELECT / Loop statements.
> Automatic Line Folding - Have source files open with all lines folded.
> Multi-line Commenting - Comment large (or small) selections of your code with a 'Hotkey combination' or a toolbar button. Uncommenting is just as easy.
> Auto Fold Multi-line Commenting - 'Auto Fold' when using Remstart / Remend.
> Fold Preview - View the contents of a folded section without unfolding.
> Error Preview - Know what the error is without having the error message pop up. See the error comments by hovering over the error indicator.
> Remembers Folded Lines - Indigo can [optionally] record what lines are folded and open the source with those lines folded.
> Remembers Last Caret Position - Indigo can [optionally] record where your caret was when the source file was closed.
> Indention Correction - Improves the readability of your codes by automatically updating indention.
> Include and Routine Dropdowns - Another way to quickly move between Source files and their Routines (Functions and Labels).
> Routine Dropdown Update - The Routine dropdown updates to the current Rountine (Function or Label) that the caret is in. Making it very easy to konw where you are when the Function or Label heading is not visible.
> Full Project Search and Replace - Search across all files in your project. The results are provided in another window. Select a result and jump to it that line of your code.
> Multiple Auto Save Options - Save-On-Open, Compile, or even every minute (adjustable to your liking). Never lose that precious code again.
> Built-in ToDo List - Store to-do items in the project.
> Compile Dialog - See the exact error details & program trace for when the compiler reports the incorrect line number.
> Snippet Library - Easily store and retrieve often-used code snippets.
> Function Parameter Help - Type in a Function name and the list of arguments will appear at the bottom of the screen. Works with user functions as well.
> Goto Definition - Right-click on any Element in your code and you can select Goto Definition to jump to that part of your code. Can also use hotkeys (F12 and [Shift-F2]).
> Change 'Include' Order - Easily change the sequence that 'Includes' are loaded.
> Plugin DLL Keyword Listing
> On-the-fly help system
> Settings File - Save settings to a file rather than to the registry. Makes it easier to run Indigo from an external hard drive and across multiple computers.
> Run from External HD - Run Indigo from an external hard drive (or flash drive) when using multiple computers. Also allows for switching between 32 and 64 bit OS.
> Beautification - Basic code indention correction.
> Tab Closing - Have a close button on the tab's themselves, double click the tab to close, or use the original close button on the document strip.

Some screenshots:
UDT Auto Suggest, mouseover info, Element side panel:

Orb Options, Fold Preview, and Element mouseover info:

Routines dropdown, Syntax Error Checking, Error Messages and Search Results

Some thank you's:
Thank you to everyone who tested Indigo I really appreciate your time and feedback.

Follow this to the Download link -

2010-10-03 - v1.0.1
> fixed defects pointed out by Eminent and hockeykid.
2010-10-06 - v1.0.2
> corrected bug with user variables not highlighting when entered. They would highlight when a source file was opened but not when newly entered.

2010-10-22 - v1.1.0
+ Embedded Types - Improved highlighting and Intellisense.
+ Intellisense - Added embedded types. Able to start anywhere in the function name, not just on the first word.
+ Function Tip - Now only shows the values needed for the keyword or function.
+ Added option to have Indigo record the folded lines for each source
+ Added option to have Indigo record the last caret position for each source
+ Insert Scancode (or Keystate) - Indigo now inserts the correct Direct X key value for scancode (or keystate) for any key by just pressing the key that you want.
+ Resolution Choices - Indigo now uses the mode resolutions of your video (rather than the previous static list).
+ Number of Backups - Added Maximum Number of Backups field.
> Docking - Fixed risizing on 64 bit Windows OS.
> Auto Fixup - Fixed defect that prevented case fixing on lines with tabs.
> Color Themes - Removed for this Beta
> Scroll bar fix - Fixed an issue with the horizontal scroll bar not updating. (Thanks swis )

2010-12-17 - v1.1.1
+ Syntax Highlighting - Improved highlighting accuracy.
+ Goto Definition - Can now also use F12 key to jump to definitions (Shift-F2 is still functional as well).
+ Line Checking - Added small speed increase to Error Checking.
+ Intellisense - Improved Type indexing.
> Back Ups - Corrected defect that prevented the actual source file from being backed up.
> Global Search Results - Corrected defect when double clicking without selecting a line.
> Auto-Intellisense - Corrected defect in 'Auto-Suggest After' routine.
> Line Folding - Corrected defect false end fold points being created.
> Code Selection - When double clicking to select words, '$' and '#' are now selected as well when part of a variable name.
> Insert Scancode (or Keystate) - Did not work on 64 Bit OS. Changed 64 bit version to work the same as in v1.0.0.
> Function Tip - Several bug fixes. To include correcting defect that caused Indigo on the Keyword 'MOD'. And correct issue with Function Tip not showing.
> Media Imports - Corrected defect that prevented media from being properly embedded into program (if selected to do so).

2011-02-04 - 1.1.2
> Help - Added path validation to prevent repeat page load errors.
> Line Folding - Corrected defect with false end fold points being created for keywords containing 'next'. Corrected defect with 'type$' triggering a fold point.
> Intellisense - Corrected defect that prevented keyword from being detected when preceeded by a '('. Corrected defect that prevented similar user defined keywords from being detected.
> Several defect fixes - Corrected defect that would cause the source to scroll unwantingly when 'Auto Fix Case' option was selected (corrected in 32 bit only). Corrected defect that prevented complied EXE's from being detected if source and Indigo were not on the same drive.
> Misc - Changed how the use of the DirectX dll is handled. In short, it means being back to one version for me to manage.

2011-04-13 - v1.2.0
+ New Project - Creating a new project new asks for the Project location and name. As well as askes for the main include file.
+ Find / Replace - Created a new dialog window for Searching.
+ Settings File - Added option to save settings to a file rather than to the registry. Makes it easier to run Indigo from an external hard drive and across multiple computers. This does not contain recently opened projects though.
+ Keystate - Added new hotkey combo,[Ctrl+Alt+K], to only insert the keystate (or scancode) code.
+ Keywords - Keywords are reloaded when the default install location for Dark BASIC Pro is changed.
+ Selecting Floats - When double clicking on floats. The whole float value is selected to include the negative sign if present.
+ Color Scheme - Implementing a new color scheme routine.
+ Run from External HD - Many adjustments to allow Indigo to better run from an external hard drive (or flash drive). Also allows for switching between 32 and 64 bit OS.
+ Compiling - Indigo now allows compile locations that are different then that of the dbpro file.
> Compiling - Corrected defect to prevented Indigo from using precompilers the same way the IDE's did.
> Intellisense - Corrected defect that prevented 'Types' from being detected. Improved detection of keywords (and UDTs) when proceeded by a '('.
> Project Loading - Corrected defect when trying to load a project that no longer exists.
> Include Removal - Corrected defect when removing an include.
> Misc - Improved backend process for detecting source changes (primarily used for searching).
> Syntax Highlighting - Improved detection of variables.

2011-07-10 - v1.2.1
+ Misc - Indigo is now being developed on Win 7 64 bit.
+ Beautification - Basic code indention correction was added.
+ Help - Added option to have Help update only with F1 or based on Caret position.
> Compiling - Corrected defect where using compile only would also run the executable.
> Plugin Parser - Corrected defect that would crash Indigo if dll was not able to be parsed.
> Syntax Highlighting - Corrected issue with not being able to change the 'Default' font color.
> Misc - Corrected defect with docking window overlaping status strip.

2011-10-31 - v1.3.0
+ Intellisense - Indigo now parses and highlights Local variables.
+ Intellisense - Indigo now parses lines with colons in them. So now lines like "Dim a as integer:b as string: global c as int" will produce 3 variables rather than one.
+ AutoComplete - Now hides if user types word.
+ AutoComplete - Updates word list as user types.
+ Logging - Added button to take you to the Log file folder.
+ Includes - Able to select multiple files to add to project.
+ Colorization - Now able to modify the color of the caret.
+ Text Editor - Increased the responsiveness when opening large source files. (Tested on source with roughly 4500 lines)
+ Misc - Now able to open multiple non-project files.
+ Misc - Recompiled most controls to be .Net 4 framework.
+ Misc - Combined some back-end code to allow for easy maintainence and reliability.
> Indention Correction - Improved the logic used to determine correct indention.
> Saving - Corrected defect that would cause the save dialog to show even compiling even when the option was not selected.
> Text Editor - Corrected multiple defects around the selecting words from left to right as well as double clicking on any area already selected.
> Menu Options - When selecting 'Open' Indigo now opens the 'Default projects folder' indicated in Options.

2012-03-11 - v1.3.1
+ Color Schemes - Added option to create own color schemes.
+ Colorization - Added option to change the color of selctions, for both focused and unfocused documents.
+ AutoComplete - Added option to turn Auto-Closure (type whole word and Auto-Complete closes) of Auto-Complete off/on.
+ AutoComplete - Auto-Closure now updates the case of the selected word (or phrase)
+ Keywords - Added option to update keywords without having to restart Indigo.
+ Find - Improved the find feature. Find Next finds duplicates in the same line.
+ Replace - Improved the replace feature. Able to replace words selected with ALT.
+ Compiler Error Reporting - Improved the detection of the Compiler ErrorReport.
> Includes - Corrected defect caused source code to be dulplicated when changing the include order and the source file was open.
> Intellisense - Corrected defect that would crash Indigo when parsing certain user Elements.
> Intellisense - Corrected defect that prevented correct parsing of user Elements that contained a Tab in their declaration.
> Misc - Corrected defect that would crash Indigo when opening dba files directly or non-project files.
> Syntax Highlighting - Corrected defect that caused Indigo to respond slowly on large source files.
> Saving - Corrected defect that prevented 'Default Relative Path' from functioning.
> AutoComplete - Corrected defect that prevented the use of arrow keys at the same time as AutoComplete is active.
> Toolbar - Corrected defect that prevented Cut/Copy/Paste buttons from working.

2012-06-20 - v1.3.2
+ Line Overview - Get a quick overview of the location of functions, labels, comments, declarations, errors, and multiple instances of selected words.
+ Tab Closing - Added options to have a close button to be on the tab's themselves, double click the tab to close, or use the orginal close button on the document strip.
+ Restore Include - Added option to restore lost includes.
+ Save Project As - Implemented a 'Save Project As' routine that functions simularly to using templates (effectively making every project, a template).
+ AutoComplete - Added a tool tip based on highlighted command in AutoComplete.
+ AutoComplete - Added option to have the Help window update based on highlighted command in AutoComplete.
+ AutoComplete - AutoComplete inserts selection with [Enter] as well as [Tab].
+ AutoComplete - AutoComplete no longer activates in comments.
+ Highlighting - Added highlighting of matching brackets.
+ Highlighting - Added highlighting of multiple instances of selected words.
+ Folding - Able to fold all but this Element (Function or Label). [F9] to Fold This and [Shift + F9] to Unfold This. Also [Right click] and select.
+ Folding - Able to select a Function or Label from the Element window and have all but that Element fold. {Activated version}
+ Goto Line - Added [Ctrl + Shift + G] to bring up the Goto Line for the project. [Ctrl + G] still brings up the Goto Line for document.
+ Text Editor - Added option to use spaces in place of tabs.
+ Text Editor - Added option to wrap text.
+ Compile Dialog - Now able to copy out of the Additional Information window on the Compile dialog.
+ Misc - Added 'repeat' feature for Keystate, Path, and RGB. {Activated version}
+ Misc - Able to cancel closing of modified source files.
+ Replace - Caret should now return to it's original location after replacing.
+ Pre-Compiler - Implemented a mini pre-compiler to correct issues brought up by the community that create compiler errors (that probably shouldn't). They include things like '#constant' followed by a [Tab].
+ Multiple Instances - Added functionality to better support running multiple instances of Indigo. Like the location and size of each instance is stored seperately.
> Options - Reorganized Options dialog.
> AutoComplete - Corrected defect when pressing Enter (rather than Tab) in the middle of a suggestion.
> Intellisense - Corrected defect that prevented Functions from being properly parsed when declared without parenthesis.
> Intellisense - Corrected defect that prevented UDT members (as well as other variables) from being properly parsed when declaring them and instantiating them are not in that order. {Activated version}
> Concatenation - Corrected defect that prevented concatenation from working.
> Misc - Many minor defect fixes. Like misspellings and the 'Replace' Edit menu option.

2012-12-31 - v1.3.3
+ Virtual Folders - Clean up your long list of includes by putting them into Virtual Folders. Expand only the folder that you want open.
+ Misc - Added [Alt + Up (or Down) Arrow] to move between Next/Previous Functions/Labels.
+ Close Project - Added an option to close current project and leave the IDE open.
> Folding - Made adjustments to allow for Labels with no return.
> Function Tip - Corrected defect that prevented the Function Tip from showing after the first entry.
> AutoComplete - Improved to handle embedded.
> Line Overview - Improved overall size to better adjust when all collapsed lines are visible.
> Misc - Many minor defect fixes and enhancements.

2014-12-31 - v1.3.4
+ Misc - Added option to move the Tool strip to same line as the Menu Strip.
+ Misc - Added [Alt + Left (or Right) Arrow] to move between Previous cursor positions.
+ Help - Added option to show help files in users default web browser. {Activated version}
+ Restore Lost Include - Added advanced option to restore lost includes to pick additional folder locations. {Activated version}
+ Separate Function/Label Window - Now able to open Functions and Labels in a separate window of their own. {Activated version}
+ Line Overview - Now able to hide. {Activated version}
+ Line Overview - Now able to have only (hides the vertical scroll bar). {Activated version}
+ Line Overview - Now able to select fore and back colors. {Activated version}
+ Function Tip - Now updates on mouseclick events. {Activated version}
+ AutoComplete - Locally declared UDT now show in the drop down list.
> Highlighting - Locally declared UDT now colorize correctly.
> Misc - Many minor defect fixes and enhancements.

2014-12-31 - v1.4.0
+ Misc - Added a Ribbon and eliminated the Options dialog.
+ Misc - Added [Alt + Left (or Right) Arrow] to move between Previous cursor positions.
+ Help - Added option to show help files in users default web browser. {Activated version}
+ Restore Include - Added advanced option to restore lost includes to pick additional folder locations. {Activated version}
+ Separate Window - Now able to open Functions and Labels in a separate window of their own. {Activated version}
+ Line Overview - Now able to hide. {Activated version}
+ Line Overview - Now able to have only (hides the vertical scroll bar). {Activated version}
+ Line Overview - Now able to select fore and back colors. {Activated version}
+ Function Tip - Now updates on mouse-click events. {Activated version}
+ AutoComplete - Locally declared UDT now show in the drop down list.
+ Highlighting - Locally declared UDT now colorize correctly.
> Misc - Many minor defect fixes and enhancements.

2016-04-03 - v1.4.1
+ Docking - Able to use short tabs in order to gain more code visibility {Activated version}.
+ Syntax Checking - Added checking the number of parameters in a function call.
+ Text Editor - Added [Ctrl + E] to select current line.
+ Text Editor - Added option to show the project line number related to the document line number.
> Function Tip - Improved accuracy in determining the correct function to represent.
> Folding - Fixed issue with source not opening based on saved folded lines.
> Colorization - Objects on the forms / windows now take their coloring from the Menu Color selected.
> Misc - Many minor defect fixes and performance enhancements.

2017-03-21 - v1.4.2
+ Output - Added window to show all known syntax errors from all includes (open or not) in one place. And jump to that line in the project.
+ Text Editor - Added option to show the project line number related to the document line number.
+ Colorization - Added options to save and load Syntax Highlighting schemes.
+ Line Overview - Added scrolling functionality to the line overview.
+ Misc - Removed expiration date.
> Misc - Many minor defect fixes and performance enhancements.

2017-??-?? - v1.4.3
+ Output - Added warnings from all includes (open or not). Code warnings will compile but may not work because files in string literals are not found.
+ Output - Able to select with output to show in the Output (Error, Warning, Both, neither).

You can get latest download on the Indigo Site.

All the best,
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Posted: 2nd Oct 2010 23:41 Edited at: 3rd Oct 2010 02:14
Woot!!!!AWESOME!!! TGC should SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO include this with their current one. Much better.

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Posted: 3rd Oct 2010 02:15
Been looking forward to this. Outstanding!!

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Posted: 3rd Oct 2010 04:14
I found a bug. If you type in a number that has two digits or more, the number disappears. Its really annoying.

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Posted: 3rd Oct 2010 05:27
What OS are you running and could you post an example?


Indigo - A DBPro IDE Alternative
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Posted: 3rd Oct 2010 05:30
Windows 7 32 bit. Will upload example when I can get a computer video capture program.

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Posted: 3rd Oct 2010 20:59
OK I know whats causing the problem. If you use autosuggest, the number you type in will disappear after you type the same amount of digits that autosuggest kicks in after.

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Posted: 3rd Oct 2010 21:44
Windows 7 64 bit.

Program closes after resizing the leftmost panel to widen the code area.

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Posted: 4th Oct 2010 00:34 Edited at: 4th Oct 2010 00:34
I found an issue while declaring a type. If you declare a type with the word type in it it will pop-up with an error, I guess it thinks your declaring another type. Example

Type guntype
name$ as string

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Posted: 4th Oct 2010 05:01 Edited at: 4th Oct 2010 05:06
Eminent & hockeykid,

Thank you for report and the examples. Both problems should be resolved now. Indigo 1.0.1 has been uploaded.

The Auto-Suggest is much better in 1.1.0 (in the works now).


I am looking at integrating the latest version of the docking dll that I'm using. Hopefully that will resolve the crashing on 64 bit machines.


Indigo - A DBPro IDE Alternative
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Posted: 5th Oct 2010 06:41
Looks great Balid, hopefully people support your efforts with the donate button!

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Posted: 7th Oct 2010 03:20

Thank you.

I noticed a bug with user variables not highlighting. It was possibly introduced with the 1.0.1 release. I have since uploaded a v1.0.2 that should take care of that error.


Indigo - A DBPro IDE Alternative
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Posted: 8th Oct 2010 23:38 Edited at: 8th Oct 2010 23:45
Hey, it works now! cool! I'm not sure why I gave it another try but somehow the problem's solved... I'll give feedback later...
Edit: This seems pretty good. It does have a series of bugs with highlighting (text colors), positioning the panels... Nothing I don't think you know about. If you can pick out those weird bugs this would be great!

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Posted: 9th Oct 2010 04:08

Thank you.

The docking should be corrected in the v1.1.0 release due out later this month. It's v1.1.0 because I changed out two of the controls and have majorly changed the Auto-Suggest (intellisense).


Indigo - A DBPro IDE Alternative
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Posted: 10th Oct 2010 17:43
V1.1.0 Beta has been uploaded.

Beta change log (v1.1.0)

* Embedded Types - Improved highlighting and Intellisense.
* Intellisense - Added embedded types. Able to start anywhere in the function name, not just on the first word.
* Docking - Fixed risizing on 64 bit Windows OS.
* Function Tip - Now only shows the values needed for the keyword or function.

* Auto Fixup - Fixed defect that prevented case fixing on lines with tabs.
* Color Themes - Removed for this Beta


Indigo - A DBPro IDE Alternative
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Posted: 10th Oct 2010 18:37 Edited at: 10th Oct 2010 18:38
Much better.
The only other thing I see at first glance is that the folding doesn't really work right...

Unless this is how it's supposed to be, I figuired it would show the whole area that could be folded, instead of just the start of my function.



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Posted: 10th Oct 2010 20:15

Could provide more information about the source file. Or atleast let me know what the line with the right pointing triangle above this screenshot is. Right now the only thing I can see is that Indigo thinks that this function line is embedded inside another fold.


Indigo - A DBPro IDE Alternative
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Posted: 10th Oct 2010 22:59 Edited at: 11th Oct 2010 17:47
I don't have any triagles before the negative circle. Also, I changed the "Fold margin" background color and everything on the left side(where it shows if things are folded) was highlighted. (so it thought everything was foldable?)
Edit: here's another weird example...

Edit2: And another thing... I can't scroll far enough right to see the rest of my code. (it's a long if statement )



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Posted: 12th Oct 2010 19:18
Quote: "I don't have any triagles before the negative circle"

So there's a line that goes all the to the top of the source?

Quote: "Edit: here's another weird example..."

I haven't seen that error occur for that long. Can you explain what you did to get that to happen?

Quote: "Edit2: And another thing... I can't scroll far enough right to see the rest of my code. (it's a long if statement )"

I will look into Indigo doing a better job of updating the scrollbar. In the meantime, if you click on that line and press [End] the scrollbar will resize.

In other news, the second Beta of v1.1.0 has been uploaded.
Change log:
> Added option to have Indigo record the folded lines for each source
> Added option to have Indigo record the last caret position for each source


Indigo - A DBPro IDE Alternative
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Posted: 14th Oct 2010 01:59 Edited at: 14th Oct 2010 02:00
I don't have a line to the top of the source it just starts with a negative circle

the for next statment was something like

nothing special. Also the triangle shown is in part of a negative circle, but it doesn't show all of the line. The line starts up again later.

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Posted: 17th Oct 2010 05:20 Edited at: 17th Oct 2010 05:21
v1.1.0 Beta test 3 has been uploaded.

Change log:
* Insert Scancode (or Keystate) - Indigo now inserts the correct Direct X key value for scancode (or keystate) for any key by just pressing the key that you want.
* Resolution Choices - Indigo now uses the mode resolutions of your video (rather than the previous static list).
* Number of Backups - Added Maximum Number of Backups field.
* Scroll bar fix - Fixed an issue with the horizontal scroll bar not updating. (Thanks swis )


Indigo - A DBPro IDE Alternative
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Posted: 22nd Oct 2010 23:07 Edited at: 22nd Oct 2010 23:10
v1.1.0 Released

Change log:
> Insert Scancode (or Keystate) - Indigo now inserts the correct Direct X key value for scancode (or keystate) for any key by just pressing the key that you want. {Thanks for the suggestion Scraggle}
> Resolution Choices - Indigo now uses the mode resolutions of your video (rather than the previous static list).
> Number of Backups - Added Maximum Number of Backups field.

Download the latest version here.


Indigo - A DBPro IDE Alternative
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Posted: 23rd Oct 2010 00:26

.....already beside..... for all
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Posted: 23rd Oct 2010 02:41
Random bug I found:

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Posted: 27th Oct 2010 14:01
Instantly crashes for me. Windows 7 64 bit. Just says "Indigo has stopped working" checks for solution and then disappears.
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Posted: 5th Nov 2010 21:48 Edited at: 5th Nov 2010 21:51

Thank you, I tracked the issue down to the Scancode (Keystate) Insert improvements. I've made a 64 bit version and took them out for now. Everything else still seems to works.

v1.1.1 Beta
> Insert Scancode (or Keystate) - Did not work on 64 Bit OS. Changed 64 bit version to work the same as in v1.0.0.
> Intellisense - Improved Type indexing.
> Function Tip - Minor bug fixes.
> Syntax Highlighting - Improved highlighting accuracy.

Download from the Indigo Site


Indigo - A DBPro IDE Alternative
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Posted: 6th Nov 2010 04:50
Awesome. You have a typo in the page link it says '11a' when it should be '111'.

What syntax highlighting improvements did you add? I'm obsessed with syntax colors, I noticed 'then' is still treated as a keyword and not a scope keyword.

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Posted: 6th Nov 2010 05:35
@ Balid, have you fixed my bug yet?

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Posted: 6th Nov 2010 15:23

Thank you for the heads up on the typo. It's fixed now. The improvements mostly involved Types and embebbed Types. As well as reducing some false positives. The next beta will some some more improvements in that area.

I should also have the 'then' sorted out then as well.

'Random bugs' are hard to duplicate. What where you doing when you got the error?


Indigo - A DBPro IDE Alternative
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Posted: 6th Nov 2010 16:36
I was using just using the mouse to goto another part of my code but a reinstall seems to make it fine now.

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Posted: 6th Nov 2010 17:30 Edited at: 6th Nov 2010 17:32

Good to hear. The 'array index' errors were far too common in BlueIDE 2, so I worked very hard to make sure that they wouldn't happen in Indigo. Also, I have compiled Indigo in a way that makes the Windows error report almost useless.

Something that I have seen in v1.1.1 (possibly in v1.1.0) is that the source code will sometimes re-scroll to where the caret is positioned. Very annoying and I can not seem to duplicate the issue on command so debugging it has been difficult. I will hopefully have it worked out for the next beta release.


Indigo - A DBPro IDE Alternative
Guido Italy
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Posted: 6th Nov 2010 20:25
With your first version no error ...

with update :

Le informazioni su come richiamare il debug JIT (Just-In-Time) anziché questa finestra
sono riportate in fondo al messaggio.

************** Testo dell'eccezione **************
System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException (0x80010105)
in System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.ThrowExceptionForHRInternal(Int32 errorCode, IntPtr errorInfo)
in System.Management.ManagementObjectCollection.ManagementObjectEnumerator.MoveNext()
in frmProject.ShowVideoControllerInfo()
in frmMain.#(Object #, EventArgs #)
in System.EventHandler.Invoke(Object sender, EventArgs e)
in System.Windows.Forms.Form.OnLoad(EventArgs e)
in System.Windows.Forms.Form.OnCreateControl()
in System.Windows.Forms.Control.CreateControl(Boolean fIgnoreVisible)
in System.Windows.Forms.Control.CreateControl()
in System.Windows.Forms.Control.WmShowWindow(Message& m)
in System.Windows.Forms.Control.WndProc(Message& m)
in System.Windows.Forms.ScrollableControl.WndProc(Message& m)
in System.Windows.Forms.ContainerControl.WndProc(Message& m)
in System.Windows.Forms.Form.WmShowWindow(Message& m)
in System.Windows.Forms.Form.WndProc(Message& m)
in System.Windows.Forms.Control.ControlNativeWindow.OnMessage(Message& m)
in System.Windows.Forms.Control.ControlNativeWindow.WndProc(Message& m)
in System.Windows.Forms.NativeWindow.Callback(IntPtr hWnd, Int32 msg, IntPtr wparam, IntPtr lparam)

************** Assembly caricati **************
Versione assembly:
Versione Win32: 2.0.50727.4206 (VistaSP2GDR.050727-4200)
Base di codice: file:///J:/Windows/Microsoft.NET/Framework/v2.0.50727/mscorlib.dll
Versione assembly:
Versione Win32:
Base di codice: file:///J:/Program%20Files/Indigo%20v1.1.1%20Beta/Indigo.exe
Versione assembly:
Versione Win32: 8.0.50727.4016 (NetFxQFE.050727-4000)
Base di codice: file:///J:/Windows/assembly/GAC_MSIL/Microsoft.VisualBasic/
Versione assembly:
Versione Win32: 2.0.50727.4205 (VistaSP2GDR.050727-4200)
Base di codice: file:///J:/Windows/assembly/GAC_MSIL/System/
Versione assembly:
Versione Win32: 2.0.50727.4016 (NetFxQFE.050727-4000)
Base di codice: file:///J:/Windows/assembly/GAC_MSIL/System.Windows.Forms/
Versione assembly:
Versione Win32: 2.0.50727.4016 (NetFxQFE.050727-4000)
Base di codice: file:///J:/Windows/assembly/GAC_MSIL/System.Drawing/
Versione assembly:
Versione Win32: 2.0.50727.4016 (NetFxQFE.050727-4000)
Base di codice: file:///J:/Windows/assembly/GAC_MSIL/System.Runtime.Remoting/
Versione assembly:
Versione Win32:
Base di codice: file:///J:/Program%20Files/Indigo%20v1.1.1%20Beta/WeifenLuo.WinFormsUI.Docking.DLL
Versione assembly: 1.0.2902.0
Versione Win32:
Base di codice: file:///J:/Windows/assembly/GAC/Microsoft.DirectX.DirectInput/1.0.2902.0__31bf3856ad364e35/Microsoft.DirectX.DirectInput.dll
Versione assembly:
Versione Win32: 8.00.50727.3053
Base di codice: file:///J:/Windows/assembly/GAC_MSIL/Microsoft.VisualC/
Versione assembly:
Versione Win32: 2.0.50727.4016 (NetFxQFE.050727-4000)
Base di codice: file:///J:/Windows/assembly/GAC_MSIL/System.Xml/
Versione assembly:
Versione Win32: 2.0.50727.4206 (VistaSP2GDR.050727-4200)
Base di codice: file:///J:/Windows/Microsoft.NET/Framework/v2.0.50727/mscorlib.dll
Versione assembly: 1.0.2902.0
Versione Win32:
Base di codice: file:///J:/Windows/assembly/GAC/Microsoft.DirectX/1.0.2902.0__31bf3856ad364e35/Microsoft.DirectX.dll
Versione assembly:
Versione Win32: 2.0.50727.4016 (NetFxQFE.050727-4000)
Base di codice: file:///J:/Windows/assembly/GAC_MSIL/System.Windows.Forms.resources/
Versione assembly:
Versione Win32: 8.0.50727.4016
Base di codice: file:///J:/Windows/assembly/GAC_MSIL/Microsoft.VisualBasic.Compatibility/
Versione assembly:
Versione Win32: 2.0.50727.4016 (NetFxQFE.050727-4000)
Base di codice: file:///J:/Windows/assembly/GAC_MSIL/System.Management/

************** Debug JIT **************
Per attivare il debug JIT, è necessario impostare il valore
jitDebugging nella sezione del file di configurazione
dell'applicazione o del computer (machine.config).
L'applicazione inoltre deve essere compilata con il debug

Ad esempio:

< jitDebugging="true" />

Quando il debug JIT è attivato, tutte le eccezioni non gestite
vengono inviate al debugger JIT registrato nel computer,
anziché essere gestite da questa finestra di dialogo.


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Posted: 6th Nov 2010 20:51
Guido Italy,
So v1.1.0 works for you but not v1.1.1?

What OS are you using?

Thank you and regards,

Indigo - A DBPro IDE Alternative
Guido Italy
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Posted: 6th Nov 2010 21:09
Vista 32bit
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Posted: 6th Nov 2010 21:14
I haven't had time to download it yet, but does the new version fix the window sizing crash on Win7 64 bit?

Guido Italy
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Posted: 6th Nov 2010 21:23
My Indigo version work is : 1.0.2
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Posted: 7th Nov 2010 14:31
Guido Italy,

Thank you. I will put together a reduced version for you test.




Indigo - A DBPro IDE Alternative
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Posted: 7th Nov 2010 19:21
It's crashing in Windows 7 64bit before it opens.
Here is the relevant crash info.

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Posted: 7th Nov 2010 19:34

Did you pick the '64 Bit OS Version' or the default '32 Bit OS Version' when installing?


Indigo - A DBPro IDE Alternative
Dark Goblin
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Posted: 7th Nov 2010 20:55 Edited at: 7th Nov 2010 20:57
I found this one yesterday and started to use it.

Very nice IDE, also sometimes the tooltip for the functions/commands (so I can see which variable I am adding right now) does not appear, but otherwise everything is perfect!

Good work!

and I dont know how to close a .dba tab xD

... efxMod Developer!
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Posted: 7th Nov 2010 21:23 Edited at: 7th Nov 2010 21:30
Dark Goblin,

Thank you very much. I will look into the Function Tip not showing issue. Just to be sure though, you do have it turned on right?

There are two ways to close a source tab window. With [Ctrl + w] or the 'X' next to the downward pointing triangle (Window List).


Indigo - A DBPro IDE Alternative
Dark Goblin
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Posted: 7th Nov 2010 22:54 Edited at: 7th Nov 2010 22:55
well it shows up when I hover over it with the mouse, but a nice addition would be, if it comes up right when you add something, like into a function and then instead of displaying plain black text, show the current value in red or something.

Like this:

(changed color to red on actual position with an graphic manipulation software!)
this would be cool (position it under the command, not like in the screen!)

... efxMod Developer!
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Posted: 7th Nov 2010 23:15
Quote: "show the current value in red or something."

Dark Goblin,
Your reading my mind. Once I get the Function Tip not showing worked out, the next improvement for Function Tips was to color (or bold) which variable of the function your caret is over. Very similar to your example.

I did a quick test, and the Function Tip is not showing for me. It was working before I released the v1.1.1 beta (at least at some point before releasing it). I remembering having to fix it before releasing it. That's what I get for developing on multiple computers.


Indigo - A DBPro IDE Alternative
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Posted: 8th Nov 2010 01:36
Function Tip not showing - Fixed. It turns out that the 'Function Tip' control somehow got positioned behind the code window. So the 'Function Tip' was working, it was just hidden from view. So I moved the 'Function Tip' control to be in front of the code window and all seems well.


Indigo - A DBPro IDE Alternative
Dark Goblin
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Posted: 8th Nov 2010 16:39
Do you know when a new version with this fix and the new addition will be uploaded?
As I really need this feature

... efxMod Developer!
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Posted: 8th Nov 2010 17:33
64bit Windows 7

My bad. Didn't see that option on the install the first time.

It's coming up fine now.

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Posted: 8th Nov 2010 18:07
Dark Goblin,

I should have an updated beta out this weekend.


I should have mentioned in the thread that there were two options in the installer. I'm still learning how to configure the installer script. Hopefully the next installer will be more clear.


Indigo - A DBPro IDE Alternative
Dark Goblin
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Posted: 8th Nov 2010 18:10
Found antoher Bug.

If I create a bracket like this "()" it automatically creates another ")" behind it.
Please fix this ;D

... efxMod Developer!
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Posted: 8th Nov 2010 18:29 Edited at: 8th Nov 2010 18:38
Dark Goblin,

It's not a bug. It's an optional feature that you can turn off.


Indigo - A DBPro IDE Alternative
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Posted: 8th Nov 2010 18:34 Edited at: 8th Nov 2010 18:35
[duplicated post]

Indigo - A DBPro IDE Alternative

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