Hello and welcome to the community! it seems you're somewhat serious about it and won't leave after facing a problem or two like some people, so i'm pretty sure you're gonna make it
im afraid you won't find a tutorial on how to create the game, but the dark invaders tutorial pretty much explains all 2d essentials, well to be honest the structure there is not very nice as it doesn't use OOP, you can just implement the ideas there in OO design and you'll be fine, make a class for everything you think it should handle itself by itself, for example, a core class handling levels and effects, menu class handling menus, creature class handling enemies and player(s), maybe a bullet class too (well i'd rather make it only hold the sprite id and the target x/y, and the core updates it to move it to the specific point), and just update them from the core class class
one thing i think you will need a lot is a function like dbPointSprite ( id, x, y ), which is not included with GDK, this function might help you do this:
void PointSprite ( int spriteID, int x, int y )
float ANGLE;
int DX = x - dbSpriteX( spriteID );
int DY = y - dbSpriteY( spriteID );
int DIST = (DX * DX) + (DY * DY);
if( DIST > 0 )
ANGLE = dbAtanFull ( x - dbSpriteX( spriteID ), dbSpriteY( spriteID ) - y );
dbRotateSprite( spriteID , ANGLE );
if you have any question feel free to ask, there are alot of people here ready to help
Nothing's impossible, it's just a matter of time...