Looking at the various posts in this thread, it seems that a recurring problem/question relates to using the version of DirectX that the Dark GDK requires (August 2007).
Later versions don't contain all of the libraries that Dark GDK requires, but they do have a range of improvements needed for some other things that people are using. Such as working with Visual Studio 2008!
Here is what I have done so that I can use the latest version of DirectX with the Dark GDK. Please note that you should only do this if you have a good knowledge of C++ and the various libraries used by Dark GDK. Make a good backup first!
Here we go...
The DirectX SDK from November 2007 is the first one which supports Microsoft® Visual Studio 2008. But it's also the first version which doesn't support DirectMusic and some other functions. But we can copy the missing files from an older version such as the final one that contained DirectMusic, etc: 'August 2007'.
Extract (do not install) dxsdk_aug2007.exe in a spare folder and you'll get another file called dxsdk_aug2007.exe (both files have the same name). Ain't Microsoft clever?
Extract the second dxsdk_aug2007.exe into a separate folder ("C:\DXD" or whatever suits you).
Now copy following files from \dxsdk_aug2007\dxsdk_aug2007\Include\ to <your folder>\shared\include (note: update the paths as relevant for your installation):
Good luck!
Amazing Simulation