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Program Announcements / Tic Tac Toe Challenge! [full game and screens]

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Joined: 7th Sep 2004
Location: Sydney, Australia
Posted: 15th Oct 2010 15:32 Edited at: 15th Oct 2010 15:38
Hey guys,

Just wanted to share my latest miniproject. Total development time is one single day, and even though it's just a tic tac toe game I'm really quite proud of it as I've thrown in a whole bevy of special effects and bells and whistles that give it a really fun, arcade feel. It can be played against the AI (which plays a perfect game) or against another player, and you can even watch the AI play against itself. There are arcade style sound effects and special visual effects, including explosions and streaking meteors (yes, I found a way to add explosions to tic tac toe - medals please!) The AI player has a deep, evil voice and taunts you mercilessly when he defeats you and grudgingly congratulates you if you manage to beat him.

Ok, here is a link to the game's website, which I threw together rather quickly (full game download link is on the site):

And here are a couple of screenshots:

Well, check it out and comment! Feedback is always nice
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Posted: 27th Oct 2010 16:44
Site looks pretty good.

Couldn't check the Audio out as no speakers here but the game was fun!

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Joined: 7th Sep 2004
Location: Sydney, Australia
Posted: 7th Nov 2010 12:33
Heh, the sound is where the fun is at! The computer taunts you when he wins and loses, so half the fun is hearing him talk
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Joined: 7th Aug 2010
Location: United States
Posted: 18th Nov 2010 02:02
Good for Tic Tac Toe! Sounds effects had a nice touch, the sound back ground music was nice. Took the AI about 3 games to win. Took about another 4 games for me to win. Tied! Nice work.

rem allow user create game with one click
rem create graphics, sound, scripts, models, with one click
rem slap user in face if game choice is mmo

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