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Program Announcements / Draw Object command plugin!

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Posted: 19th Oct 2010 21:27 Edited at: 19th Oct 2010 21:28
This plugin allows users of DBPro to draw the same object multiple times where they like without having to create a clone or an instance. Just call draw object when you want it drawn.

This plugin also allows you to reposition objects between draws so you can draw them in multiple places. You can also change the objects texture between draws or its animation frame which gives it an advantage over instancing.

It is built from the DBPro source so this version may not work on DBPro versions greater than 7.5. I will try to keep this up to date.

No extra objects are created so its a massive saver on RAM.

The plugin is attached. Feel free to use this in any project, commercial or not.


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Posted: 21st Oct 2010 15:07
Thanks Kaedroho! Downloading now! I might try this out in another version of "The Last Stand", see how many zombies I can have going at once!!

BTW what's with the SPAM bot above?
Quote: "Talking about outsourcing"

...ummm nobody was talking about outsourcing...

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Posted: 21st Oct 2010 16:08
Quote: "BTW what's with the SPAM bot above?"

What spam bot? You mean the Google Ad?


A truly amazing plugin, downloading now! I will come back with some speed results as soon as possible


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Posted: 21st Oct 2010 16:11
Quote: "What spam bot? You mean the Google Ad?"

It's been removed by a MOD. Some blatant spammage...

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Posted: 23rd Oct 2010 11:06
@ Kaedroho,

Was wondering. Did you create this plugin with a view to something complimenting BlitzTerrain ie. a grass, trees utility?

a long time dabbler with DBC and DBPro with no actual talent but lots of enthusiasm...
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Posted: 25th Oct 2010 14:08 Edited at: 25th Oct 2010 14:09
Looks very interesting, but it would be even more awesome if this had Frustum Culling
But I guess that is not possible this way? Because it seems like those objects are always rendered, even when the camera is looking the other way...
Red Eye
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Posted: 25th Oct 2010 17:34 Edited at: 25th Oct 2010 17:34
Sounds great!

Too bad it aint for darkgdk!

But truly awesome!

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Posted: 25th Oct 2010 17:46

Try using:

Object in screen(ObjectID)

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Posted: 26th Oct 2010 15:11
Well I thought "Object in Screen" only checked against the center of the object, the actual "Object position" and if its outside of the current camera's view the object is hidden, even though some of its geometry should be visible... But it's nothing I can't live with, and maybe there already is some kind of workaround to that.
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Posted: 26th Oct 2010 15:51
It checks the whole object, not just the centre. And the command only draws to the current camera. If you want to use multiple cameras, you will have to draw it for each camera individually. Don't worry, this shouldn't effect the speed too much as DBPro does this anyway (and so does most other rendering engines).

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