Okay... Lets break that down.
Function Travis'sFunction(size)
I'm not sure if you can have an apostrophe in a function for starters, but that's not really relevant here. In this function, you pass the variable
size to it. In functions, all variables are local, unless they have been declared as global.
Make object cube 1,10
This makes a cube of size 10. This makes passing the variable
size irrelevant. The function would be a little more functional if this line were something like:
make object cube 1,size
Although it's still completely pointless as that can be performed any ways.
endfunction 1
This will end the fucntion, and return the variable 1.
To give you a better example of how functions are useful, take this very basic example.
a = multiply( 2,2 )
print a
wait key
function multiply( a,b )
x = a*b
endfunction x
If you have any particular questions, feel free to ask.