After having read some of the posts on the forum it appears that ray casting is broken. However, in the vain hope that it's just me making a mistake can some one give some example code on how ray casting is used?
Here's how I'm doing it:
if Controls.Mouse.Fire.Status = 1
`Get position five units in front of camera
pick screen Screen.CentreX,Screen.CentreY,5
Player.LookVector.x = get pick vector x()
Player.LookVector.y = get pick vector y()
Player.LookVector.z = get pick vector z()
`Get length of vector
dist# = GetDist(Player.Position.x,Player.Position.y,Player.Position.z,Player.LookVector.x,Player.LookVector.y,Player.LookVector.z)
`Get camera vector
dec Player.LookVector.x,Player.Position.x
dec Player.LookVector.y,Player.Position.y
dec Player.LookVector.z,Player.Position.z
`Make unit vector
Player.LookVector.x = Player.LookVector.x/dist#
Player.LookVector.y = Player.LookVector.y/dist#
Player.LookVector.z = Player.LookVector.z/dist#
`Cast ray and check for hit
if phy ray cast closest shape(camera position x(), camera position y(), camera position z(), Player.LookVector.x, Player.LookVector.y, Player.LookVector.z) = 1
position object BulletHoles(NextBulletHole),phy get ray cast hit point x(),phy get ray cast hit point y(),phy get ray cast hit point z()
point object BulletHoles(NextBulletHole),object position x(BulletHoles(NextBulletHole)) + phy get ray cast hit normal x(),object position y(BulletHoles(NextBulletHole)) + phy get ray cast hit normal y(),object position z(BulletHoles(NextBulletHole)) + phy get ray cast hit normal z()
inc NextBulletHole,1 : if NextBulletHole>50 then NextBulletHole=1
and the values returned are all zero. I've used Newton physics for some time now and it may be slow but at least it worked!
Please excuse my stupidity, the get pick vector commands are already unit vectors (if the distance into the screen is set to 1) and are not (as I thought) global positions. I changed the code to the folowing and it now works fine.
if Controls.Mouse.Fire.Status = 1
`Get position 1 unit in front of camera
pick screen Screen.CentreX,Screen.CentreY,1
Player.LookVector.x = get pick vector x()
Player.LookVector.y = get pick vector y()
Player.LookVector.z = get pick vector z()
`Cast ray and check for hit
if phy ray cast closest shape(camera position x(), camera position y(), camera position z(), Player.LookVector.x, Player.LookVector.y, Player.LookVector.z) = 1
position object BulletHoles(NextBulletHole),phy get ray cast hit point x(),phy get ray cast hit point y(),phy get ray cast hit point z()
point object BulletHoles(NextBulletHole),object position x(BulletHoles(NextBulletHole)) + phy get ray cast hit normal x(),object position y(BulletHoles(NextBulletHole)) + phy get ray cast hit normal y(),object position z(BulletHoles(NextBulletHole)) + phy get ray cast hit normal z()
inc NextBulletHole,1 : if NextBulletHole>50 then NextBulletHole=1
Sorry for the useless thread.