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Except it's called Homeworld 2, not Homeworld 3! Homeworld Cataclysm doesn't count, apparently.
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I've been reading the previews and reviews of Homeworld 2. I remember when Homeworld 1 arrived, and I was blown away by how gorgeous it was. There was a captivating plot (for a game), and you really got involved in the game -- until it just became to difficult.
From what I read, the makers haven't learned their lessons, and have used piled pressure on the player until now his brain is boiling from level 1.
Do you think this is a good idea? I was disappointed with Homeworld 1 already because I found it far too difficult. It was a case where a bunch of programmers who knew the game on their five fingers assumed the player were just as good, from frame 1.
Personally, I think that's a mistake in game-making. There should be a grace period while the player learns the game, and then you slowly ratch up the pressure to keep the game interesting. The Homeworld series, gorgeous as the games are, fail as games in my opinion.
They're just too difficult. The designers have failed to consider the end user. There's a lesson there to be learned.
They SAID that given enough time a million monkeys with typewriters could recreate the collected works of William Shakespeare... Internet sure proved them wrong.