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Work in Progress / Sunstorm - A space exploration action RPG

Blobby 101
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Posted: 27th Nov 2010 21:24 Edited at: 28th Nov 2010 16:22

I've got a new project in development at the moment being made by me and my indie team 'Ozone Studios'. It is:


Sunstorm is a space RPG, where you can explore a galaxy, land on planets and follow quests.

It will have many of the features of conventional RPGs such as an inventory, NPCs, quests and shops, however it also has a freeform space flight feature where you can fly around to other planets and get involved in dogfights etc..

At the moment, I have most of the space flight aspect finished with the inventory system in place and also the ability to buy one of three different ships (with unique abilities).

Here are some screens:

This is the ship buying screen.

After choosing a ship, it takes off.

In-game. I'm close enough to land on the planet so it asks me if I want to.

The pause menu.

Showing the inventory.

Here are the features I'm currently working on:

Pirate Ships
Police Ships
Gun and Ship damage
Other planets and locations

And other things planned that I'm not working on at the moment:

3rd person almost top-down exploration of planets on foot
More ships
Parallax mapping
Basic Crafting (not as advanced as say, Minecraft just a list of items you can craft and requirements)

and other things of course, that's just a general list. I've attached a demo of the project to this post. It currently features 3 ships and 1 location (the shipyard). The basis of the engine is in place however and it plays pretty much how it will in the final game.

Ship moves forward at a normal rate automatically, hold W to accelerate to top speed. Use the mouse to control the ship and then use left and right click to fire the left and right turrets. (They overheat if the overheat bar reaches the top and it will cool down automatically). In the ship buying screen, use the left and right arrows to change ship and enter to choose one. I forgot to label the stat bars before I uploaded the demo but the top one is speed, the one below it is armour and the bottom one is weapons.

Note: the game uses a fullscreen shader to give the glow effect on engines and such, so your PC has to support Pixel Shader 2.0 (I think) to run it.

Enjoy! Feel free to post any comments and suggestions and any bugs you find, although keep in mind that this is far from complete.

P.S: Ozone Studios currently has only 2 members, myself and 1 other. If anyone is interested in joining just email me on my forum email address or add me to MSN (same address). We could really do with a texture artist and/or a character modeller!

Edit: Testing sig


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Posted: 27th Nov 2010 21:26
Quote: "Enjoy! Feel free to post any comments and suggestions and any bugs you find, although keep in mind that this is far from complete."

Err, there isn't a demo is there? Therefore, we can't find bugs...

Blobby 101
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Posted: 27th Nov 2010 21:27 Edited at: 27th Nov 2010 21:31
Oops, sorry - I forgot to attach it! Am attaching it now.

Edit: It's in the first post now

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Posted: 27th Nov 2010 21:47
Have you ship catch on fire a bit before you crash. When I crashed the first time, I shat bricks.

Blobby 101
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Posted: 27th Nov 2010 21:51
haha, not sure how i'd do that TBH, by the time your ship has hit something, it's a bit too late to give you warning about it

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Posted: 27th Nov 2010 21:56
I found a bug. If You fire the left gun and you right one still has to cool down, it won't cool down. Same thing vice versa.

Blobby 101
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Posted: 27th Nov 2010 22:03
ooh, good find thanks

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Posted: 28th Nov 2010 01:54
The gameplay pictures look great!

The title image:

That one, is a little bit hard to read.

Will download this tomorrow and try it out.


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Posted: 28th Nov 2010 10:59
Looking neat so far!

Blobby 101
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Posted: 28th Nov 2010 11:50

@Bergice: Yeah, I know what you mean - I'll have a play around with different fonts and things

I'm just adding a new planet at the moment, It's called Manu (Mar noo). Here's a screeny of it so far:

It is made mostly of a reddy/orange rock called Tanstone and has a huge bed of Karillium on it. It is mostly desert with a few settlements around the Karillium bed and only 1 major city, Torral.

Now, I need someway of doing a good atmophere effect. The idea is that if you enter the atmosphere too far without choosing to land then you'll burn up in the atmosphere.


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Posted: 28th Nov 2010 19:26
I like the style, textures and objects are clean and well done So are the menu items, but I found a bug where the mouse position detection is shifted down in the pause menu.

Explosion gave me a huge shock the first time, maybe make the ship bounce off the wall and after a few crashes it starts burning?

Ship take-off and ship landing is too slow, I'd make it a little faster, and smooth out the movements.

Nice work, keep it up!


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Posted: 28th Nov 2010 19:53
The ships look much too clean. When I get my tablet, I'm gonna dirty them up. You'd think something that travels in space would get a few dents -.-.

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Posted: 28th Nov 2010 21:12
Quote: "You'd think something that travels in space would get a few dents -.-."

I think that's part of the style of the game, everything is really polished and clean


Blobby 101
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Posted: 28th Nov 2010 21:15
@the comet: thanks! I'll have a look and see what I can do about the ship crashing.

@eminent: that'd be a great help, thanks! As I said in my post, I'm pretty bad at texturing so anyone who could improve the
Would be great

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Posted: 28th Nov 2010 23:21 Edited at: 28th Nov 2010 23:32
It took about two minutes to do this. Made some dents n stuff.


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Blobby 101
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Posted: 29th Nov 2010 11:02
that's pretty good Eminent! Thanks, Maybe if it was toned down slightly with less white on it it would look even better

also, The Comet, when did this pause menu bug happen? I can't seem to replicate it :S I've also just sped up the taking off and landing and I'm adding the ability to land on the first planet now.

Dr Tank
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Posted: 15th Dec 2010 03:53
Some nice graphics. Ship mechanics have an "up" though. If you're having planets, I imagine free flight would be better. Am interested to see how this develops.
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Posted: 15th Dec 2010 14:48
good use of bloom.fx effect.i'm intrested in the usage of this effect, can you briefly explain me???

then, it's a pity there isn't nothing else to see, i didn't know my route, if i was moving or not, and the planet you show is too big for this texture, better if it was an asteroid. no stars.

ships' design is very nice, i like it. maybe too poly.


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