I know from experience how annoying it is to have to make out every keystate on your keyboard with scancode() just to get basic controls for your game. Well now you don't have to as for my own game I typed it all out into constants so instead of
if keystate(57)=1
you can say
if keystate(KB_Space)=1
I mapped out every key on the keyboard (standard keyboards). Feel free to inform me of typos. (I'm bound to have made one having to type out over 100 keys.)
Couldn't have done this without Grog Grueslayer's helpful chart
//Keystate Constants
#constant KB_Esc 1
#constant KB_F1 59
#constant KB_F2 60
#constant KB_F3 61
#constant KB_F4 62
#constant KB_F5 63
#constant KB_F6 64
#constant KB_F7 65
#constant KB_F8 66
#constant KB_F9 67
#constant KB_F10 68
#constant KB_F11 87
#constant KB_F12 88
#constant KB_Tilda 41
#constant KB_1 2
#constant KB_2 3
#constant KB_3 4
#constant KB_4 5
#constant KB_5 6
#constant KB_6 7
#constant KB_7 8
#constant KB_8 9
#constant KB_9 10
#constant KB_0 11
#constant KB_hyphen 12
#constant KB_equal 13
#constant KB_Backspace 14
#constant KB_Tab 15
#constant KB_q 16
#constant KB_w 17
#constant KB_e 18
#constant KB_r 19
#constant KB_t 20
#constant KB_y 21
#constant KB_u 22
#constant KB_i 23
#constant KB_o 24
#constant KB_p 25
#constant KB_OBracket 26
#constant KB_CBracket 27
#constant KB_BSlash 43
#constant KB_CapsLock 58
#constant KB_a 30
#constant KB_s 31
#constant KB_d 32
#constant KB_f 33
#constant KB_g 34
#constant KB_h 35
#constant KB_j 36
#constant KB_k 37
#constant KB_l 38
#constant KB_semicolon 39
#constant KB_Apostrophe 40
#constant KB_Enter 28
#constant KB_LShift 42
#constant KB_z 44
#constant KB_x 45
#constant KB_c 46
#constant KB_v 47
#constant KB_b 48
#constant KB_n 49
#constant KB_m 50
#constant KB_comma 51
#constant KB_period 52
#constant KB_FSlash 53
#constant KB_RShift 54
#constant KB_LCtrl 29
#constant KB_LWindows 219
#constant KB_LAlt 56
#constant KB_Space 57
#constant KB_RAlt 184
#constant KB_RWindows 220
#constant KB_Dropdown 221
#constant KB_RCtrl 157
#constant KB_Left 203
#constant KB_Right 205
#constant KB_Up 200
#constant KB_Down 208
#constant KB_Print 183
#constant KB_ScrollLock 70
#constant KB_Break 197
#constant KB_Insert 210
#constant KB_Home 199
#constant KB_PgUp 201
#constant KB_Delete 211
#constant KB_End b 207
#constant KB_PgDown 209
#constant KB_NumLock 69
#constant KB_PadFSlash 181
#constant KB_PadBullet 55
#constant KB_PadHyphen 74
#constant KB_Pad1 71
#constant KB_Pad2 72
#constant KB_Pad3 73
#constant KB_Pad4 75
#constant KB_Pad5 76
#constant KB_Pad6 77
#constant KB_Pad7 79
#constant KB_Pad8 80
#constant KB_Pad9 81
#constant KB_Pad0 82
#constant KB_PadPlus 78
#constant KB_PadEnter 156
#constant KB_PadPeriod 83
My computer surpasses all the technologies of the day. What computer do I have?