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Music & Sound FX / Ignorance to Love is Destruction (Dubstep Original)

da power pwnerer
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Joined: 28th Jul 2006
Location: Pittsburgh, PA
Posted: 7th Jan 2011 14:16
I've been experimenting lately with different sounds that I can create, and I learned how to create a wobble bass synth, as well as control the rate at which it wobbles. On top of that, I've been listening to a lot of dubstep songs, so I decided to give my own a try. All sounds are programmed by me also. So give it a listen and tell me what you think!

NOTE: No prerecorded loops were used, everything is written by me.. with the exception of some of the samples I used.
NOTE2: Make sure you have your speakers turned DOWN first because dubstep music can get loud!

"To lead, you must first die in your mind. Let go of life, and embrace it!!!"


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Joined: 14th Oct 2010
Location: The sewer.... hunting alligatiors.
Posted: 12th Jan 2011 05:27
I think you did great with the percusion (though im not peticularly fond of your choice of the initial kick drum sample.) And the leads. One thing that you could do to liven it up a bit more is expiriment with adding some FX to the percusion, i personally like to play arround with the fl love filter? Part way into the song the heavier kick could be toned down a little (this may seem that way because im using a sh!ty set of head phones at work ) it seems like it needs to be leveled more with the rest of whats going on. The leads are great and you did a great with the actual composition. Now the main thing that concerns me is the bass... I think that it could use a bit more work in the wobble department... It seems a bit too erratic to fit the rest of the song. Being that its not my cup of tea anyway you can take that with a grain of salt.

Otherwise I think you did a really good job and its definately not a do over, I think it could use a bit more adjustment.... sooooo good work!

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