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3 Dimensional Chat / What darkbasic programs should I start with first if I want to make this 3dgame?

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Joined: 13th Jan 2011
Posted: 14th Jan 2011 00:14
What darkbasic programs should I start with first if I want to make a 3d pokemon similar to it but with better graphics and stuff btw i only have drakbasic pro 7.5 for now
Retired Moderator
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Posted: 14th Jan 2011 00:21
I think you should first learn DarkBasic Pro for now. It should be enough to get you started.

The Zoq2
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Posted: 14th Jan 2011 17:07

Srry about my english im from sweeden
Travis Gatlin
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Posted: 20th Feb 2011 05:09
^^ Agreed again.

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