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3 Dimensional Chat / Blender Armature Exporting

Travis Gatlin
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Posted: 17th Jan 2011 21:00 Edited at: 17th Jan 2011 21:01
I am having major problems with exporting Armatures in blender. i use Kira's .X Exporter to export and here's how i have my settings

For some reason it wont animate in DBPro, it just sits there, unanimated, there couldn't be an error in my code, its just a simple loop object command.

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Travis Gatlin
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Posted: 17th Jan 2011 21:10
Heres The Blend File if you need it.

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Posted: 18th Jan 2011 06:24 Edited at: 18th Jan 2011 06:28
One thing i know about the 2.49 script is that it has no animation speed control. I had to add a line to the python script that wrote it in the .x file. Also there were some issues with the way the export wrote the .x as well. I know kira fixed those issues in 2.54 but im not sure about 2.49. Honestly you could email him. (His email should be listed at in the scripts section of the web site. Youll just have to search around.) OR ... you could update to 2.54 or whatever the newest release is... i use 2.54 and i love it. Its a bit different but getting used to it doesnt take that much work and from what i can tell its quite stable. OR if youd like i could send the .py script form my computer with the line added in... (Its fixed at 25 fps i never wrote anything to add a slider for it.) let me know. As far as how that script formats the .x file im not sure what you should do to it there... thats were kira would come in. Personally id just make the switch.

Edit: Try exporting just the mesh and the armature and set the button to export selected not export all (make sure the mesh and the armature are selected and nothing else. If you have something else i dont think it will hurt but just to be safe.) ALSO THIS IS IMPORTANT: Make sure that you are using a armature deform mod and not parent mesh to bones AND click the "make real" on the modifier. I think this is your problem so give that a try.

Travis Gatlin
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Posted: 19th Jan 2011 02:19
Your Suggestion Worked!, except that it dont animate right! the part i want to animate, but everything else, is wierd like the body and head twists in and out real wierd, i'll try to post a video if i can get camstudio to work right.

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Posted: 19th Jan 2011 03:12
One thing that happens when you export that is important when your animating is that if you have severe rotation (more then 180 degrees between keyframes.) blender always assumes the rotation is in the direction of the the smallest angle.... in other words: if you dont have enough keyframes to mark the general form of each movement you can get some weird results. Not saying thats whats happening but ists a possibility... a vid would definately help

Travis Gatlin
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Posted: 19th Jan 2011 03:25 Edited at: 19th Jan 2011 04:42
Yes, i made a video, Here's a link
Sorry about the lag, my CPU isn't the best in the world.
I Have another animated model, it works without error, i used the exact same rig as i used on the other model so i wonder why the other one dont work.

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Posted: 20th Jan 2011 00:04 Edited at: 20th Jan 2011 00:08
its a little hard to whats going on in the video. One thing thats important with .x is that all the verts need to be in at least one vertex group controlled by a bone. What i can tell this isnt what your experiencing though... I personally had problems with the 2.49 exporter in extreme pose situations. One thing that seemed to help is adding more in more key frames to give a more defined transition between frames. One thing i would suggest though (again) is that you get a 2.5x version of blender for .x export. Honestly its much better and has less bugs. Kira is doing the programming for our project and honestly im much happier with 2.54 and the new exporter. It will take a bit to get used to but if your familiar with 2.49, you wont have any trouble picking it up.


To be honest when kira told me i should switch, I was reluctant too, but after i did it i was glad i did and regretful i hadnt done it sooner. If you do youll be glad to know that all your models in 2.49 are compatible with the new system. It will load them and when you save it will update to the new animation internals that 2.5x use. So you wont have to start over on anything...

Travis Gatlin
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Posted: 20th Jan 2011 02:25 Edited at: 20th Jan 2011 02:59
Ok, i'll try it, maybe it's faster this time, last time i tried beta it ran significantly slower than 2.49.
Could you please, if at all possible post the script on the forum, the servers are down on both the blender website and the forum post.

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Posted: 20th Jan 2011 04:13
I cant seem to get to it either right now. Ill have to bring my copyin tomarrow. Im not at my computer right now, im on break at work so i dont have it with me. sorry.

Travis Gatlin
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Posted: 20th Jan 2011 04:32
wait, nevermind, it's built in to the editor itself, just go to user preferences and then go to addons and scroll down the list, find it and check it, it should be on there. but now that exporter gives me an error, wont export correctly, DBPro wont load it, just says it's a corrupted file.
(sorry if it's hard to understand me, i'm really tired)

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Posted: 20th Jan 2011 22:33
Hmm hes updated the code since the original script but the original worked too. (not sure which one you have but both should work.) Yeah i forgot that it comes bundled with blender lol. Take a snap of the error it gives you when you try it and ill try and help. The only errors ive seen had to do with verts that werent assigned to groups (should still work anyway with wierd results.) And errors on objects that arnt mesh or armatures that are exported (should ignore them and still work anyway.) Try exporting selected/export armature/export animation/save animation speed/ Select only relivant meshes and armatures and export. IM just guessing though because i dont know what your error is. Anyway try that post a screeny of the error and ill see if i cant help.

Travis Gatlin
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Posted: 20th Jan 2011 23:13 Edited at: 20th Jan 2011 23:13
alright, here it is:

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Posted: 24th Jan 2011 22:56
Hmm that seems like something not working with the .x script itself... i would email kira about that... im not really familiar with python itself but it looks like there are some errors with the script.... if you have python 3.0 you could open the script and check each one of those lines and see if you could figure it out... but kira knows his script and knows what hes doing... ill bring my copy of the script in tomarrow and see if it doesnt work for you...

As a note... kira isnt the only one who edits the script... this could be the work of someone else due to an update and mine might be a bit different so ill bring it in and let you try mine.
sorry your having so much trouble with it...

Travis Gatlin
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Posted: 30th Jan 2011 19:53
It's Allright, it works with every other model i've tried, i just hope it dont interfere with my work.

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Posted: 31st Jan 2011 02:19
Hey im coming back to this because i thought of somehting that might help! When you tried to export the object did you save if first in 2.54?? What i did to get mine to work is took my 2.49 version and saved it as a new filename in 2.54. ie. monster.blend as monster001.blend in 2.54. From my understanding 2.54 uses a new animation system. And by saving it your allowing 2.54 to rewrite the rotations and translations to the new system.. (I think.) Try exporting it after you save it in 2.54 if you havent tried that already... anyway hope that helps.

Travis Gatlin
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Posted: 1st Feb 2011 20:37
Oh, Ok, i'll try that

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Kira Vakaan
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Posted: 3rd Feb 2011 01:05
@PrimalBeans: Your suggestion worked over here with travis's .blend file. Hopefully it works for him too. Thanks for doing a lot of troubleshooting with my exporter. I really appreciate it. I haven't been around these forums as much as I used to recently and it's nice to know you're helping out. Anyhoo, just thought I'd say thanks and I'll try to be around a bit more.

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Posted: 3rd Feb 2011 01:11
LOL no problem... i was in the same boat as alot of people here so ive been through most of this. Espesially coming from worthless exporter packed in 2.49 to one that really only needs a little coaxing to get what you need from it. I think youve saved a bunch of people alot of headaches in the blender .x department. The can move on from the getting stoopid stuff to work and actually work on something they want... heh.

Travis Gatlin
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Posted: 3rd Feb 2011 01:42
@ Primal Beans
Your suggestion didnt work, it lost all animation data altogether.
did you mean export it in 2.5?

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Kira Vakaan
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Posted: 3rd Feb 2011 01:53
@PrimalBeans: lol, I hope that's the case. Thanks

@travis gatlin: Yes, export it from 2.5.

What worked for me was to download your file, open it in 2.5, save it in 2.5, and then export from 2.5. And yeah, that happens when 2.5 files are opened in 2.49. 2.5 has the ability to read 2.49's animation stuff, but 2.49 can't deal with 2.5's.

Travis Gatlin
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Posted: 3rd Feb 2011 03:44
Ok, i Tried That, still gave me the same errors that it gave me before.

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Posted: 7th Feb 2011 23:17
But everything else has worked so far other than that model... weird. well im lost then. Good hear that you have something working though. strange that your just having trouble with that model.

Travis Gatlin
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Posted: 12th Feb 2011 02:45
I dont know, it dont really matter anymore, it was pretty easy anyway, i'll just remake it.

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