I'm not sure that the C or C++ operators need to be imported into the language (/=, *=, +=, -=, ++, --). If you aren't careful, you'll end up with confusing operations being carried out in DBPro, with no idea what should or will actually happen:
i += 2*i+++i
` is that i = i + (2 * i) + i, and when does the increment happen?
` (there are more than the two obvious combinations there)
Better to not have ++ and --, and to use inc and dec commands instead - it's explicit then:
inc i
i = i + (2 * i) + i
The logical AND/OR/XOR operators need to be introduced though - having bit-wise isn't quite enough.
I'd cautiously accept Benjamins suggestion on new operators for new types, but as long as they are available as functions, I'd not be too worried if they weren't included.