Wrong topic, you should really be posting in newcomers area.
Here's some basic code to get you started:
box 5,5,28,28 : get image 1,0,0,32,32
sync on : sync rate 0 : autocam off
make matrix 1,2000,2000,64,64
randomize matrix 1,15
prepare matrix texture 1,1,1,1
update matrix 1
make object sphere 1,2 : color object 1,rgb(255,0,0)
position object 1,10,0,10
if upkey() then move object 1,1
if downkey() then move object 1,-1
if leftkey() then yrotate object 1,wrapvalue(object angle y(1)-1)
if rightkey() then yrotate object 1,wrapvalue(object angle y(1)+1)
x#=object position x(1)
z#=object position z(1)
h#=get ground height(1,x#,z#)
position object 1,x#,y#,z#
set camera to follow x#,y#,z#,object angle y(1),20,h#+2,10,0
ch#=get ground height(1,camera position x(),camera position z())
position camera camera position x(),ch#+10,camera position z()
point camera object position x(1),object position y(1),object position z(1)
If your mansion house needs haunting, just call Rentaghost!