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3 Dimensional Chat / 3DS Max 2011 v13 --- Exporting Models to DBP --- Object Placement Error

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Joined: 19th Jan 2011
Location: U.S.A. - Indiana - Cedar Lake
Posted: 29th Jan 2011 10:40 Edited at: 31st Jan 2011 21:35

If you have ever created a character in 3DS Max 2011 v13 using the symmetry and mirror tools, then exported it to DBP and found that the sub-object placement is incorrect ( to say the least of it ), this is one way to fix it ( There are others, but this is the easiest in my opinion ):

Repair Operation:

1.) Separate all sub-objects with enough space to edit each one individually. ( Very important, don't skip ) You can work around this only if the subobjects don't share any space, and there is room between them to select one or the other.

2.) Select the object that has correct position and orientation and attach all the other objects to it. If no object in your character has correct position or orientation, you will have to create another object that does, and attach all objects to it. I recommend a square because it has the least polys and verts if your stuck with keeping it.

3.) Detach all objects back into their sub-objects. ( If you skip step 1, you won't be able to )

4.) Reconstruct your character, positions, orientations, pivots, etc.


Doing this will re-assign the correct coordinates to each of your sub-objects. I don't know how or why the coordinates are messed up, but it happens when you use symmetry and mirror modifiers, and sometimes with attach and detach.

DBP Uses Meters

Keep in mind that DBP uses meters, and to set 3DS Max to Meters and scale your object before exporting! Otherwise you might load a molecule or a giant and wonder where it is or why the screen is all black. To set 3DS Max to meters do this:

1.) Click 'Customize' in the menu bar ( top ).
2.) Click 'Units Setup...' in the menu.
3.) Under 'Display Unit Scale' click the radial button next to meters.
4.) Click 'OK'.

Center Your Character / Level

Be sure to center your character in 3DS Max world space before exporting or your character will have a corresponding offset. If the offset is too great, your character will be off screen and it will appear as if it is not loading.

Bipeds Do Not Export

I could not get the biped to export correctly. All I get is moving black artifacts everywhere.

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