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3 Dimensional Chat / Current Project: Mr. Fabulous (Super Hero)

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Posted: 3rd Feb 2011 08:26
Well Im working towards animating my final film this year, so I figured Id throw up the model Ive been working on for the main character in the film; Mr.F.

Here he is;

Still need to alter the texture quite a bit and add his logo to the suit, but this is the general idea. Im currently working on rigging him, however it will be a while as the rig is quite complex.
Master Man Of Justice
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Posted: 3rd Feb 2011 09:13
looks great, only thing that i would do is give him a bit of emotion in the texture.

Dont take it in a bad way, it looks totally awesome. I just said it so you would know what i meant.

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Posted: 3rd Feb 2011 09:54
That comes when hes rigged . He needs to look neutral before being rigged.
Master Man Of Justice
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Posted: 3rd Feb 2011 10:46
i understand now Good luck.

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Posted: 3rd Feb 2011 11:12
not a fan of the cubeish neck =/ and the GIGANTIC neck. but other than that it looks brilliant

[Q]uik, Quiker than most
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Posted: 4th Feb 2011 05:40
Totally reminds me of the Incredibles. Nice work!


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Posted: 5th Feb 2011 00:27
were did he go??

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Posted: 5th Feb 2011 01:09
Where did who go :S?

Thanks for the comments guys.
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Posted: 7th Feb 2011 23:03
sorry, mr fabulous... last time i looked there wasnt an image. Great work. I think the texture could use a little more detail, but its definately still great the way it is. Im not sure i would have done the neck that way myself (stated before.) but honestly it doesnt look bad, its just personal prefernce really. (It kind of makes him look like an old out of shape super hero.) Anyway great character.

And on that note: I really like this kind of stuff. Hes not your average cookie cutter model of a gun, fps soldier, or template faced creation that people call characters. Even when doing realistic modeling people tend to focus so much on getting proportion and features just right that they forget to add character. People come in different shapes and sizes, facial builds, body builds, all that. One thing that i think we create on alot of these forums is molds that peoples creations have to fit into... ("I think the nose is too far down, the head is too round, blahblahblah.") Perportion is important, but so is theme and personality. Good work anyway... heh.

BTW dont mind me... i tend to go off on these little rants every now and then.

Master Man Of Justice
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Posted: 7th Feb 2011 23:16 Edited at: 7th Feb 2011 23:17
Primal, you do realize this forum is full, (95%) of noob modelers.

Theres only a few that are different.


Almost everyone else i see doesnt put forth alot of effort.
And granted, the above list doesnt mean that they are professional quality. It just means, these are the people i see that have the heart to do it.

The thing that gets me mad the most, is people expect praise and glory for releasing crap models alot of the time. Oh, and i hardly see any good textures around here.(list above are exempt from the list.)

If i didnt mention your name in the above list its either because you fall into the mad list, or you dont post alot, or i just forgot.
(Ruccus your a good modeler i just dont see alot of you on the 3d chat board)

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Posted: 8th Feb 2011 01:09
you forgotten:

Errant AI
Jon Fletcher

...What its not Over,what brings darkness, Thats where i'm going.
Master Man Of Justice
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Posted: 8th Feb 2011 02:22
Quote: "Bond1
Errant AI
Jon Fletcher

Your right, i forget, but its because they dont post on 3d chat, they post in fpsc models. Nevertheless, talent is shown there too.

Camouflage Studios
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Posted: 8th Feb 2011 04:08

now ruccus, this is ok, but the muscle going down the neck, im sorry but the name escapes me, is going away from the sternum in your character, now I know its cartoony, but even so it just looks stupid this way and i would change it back to normal when it goes into the sternum and not away.

And the texture is decent, but i say you use spotlight and some photos to really texture him up and looking awesome, either that or just do it in photoshop, its really easier to pull off cartoony in photoshop cuz really you just have random colors all over the place and it just doesnt work.

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Posted: 8th Feb 2011 08:20
Just want to throw this out there; as I said before the texture still needs a lot of work, it is only a few base colours dropped on right now. In terms of the neck I agree that the muscles need some tweaking, however I will be sticking with the style I've given him as I feel it is suiting to his character. But yes, the texture is far from done, along with the fact that I've yet to add dynamic hair simulation to his head instead of relying on polygons. When all is said and done he should have hair similar to that of any character you'd see in a film production today.
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Posted: 9th Feb 2011 01:56
You have to remember that i sometimes forget that i have to make sense... heh. Ill have to reread what i wrote but i was more concerned with pointing out that Im a character lovin fool. And really i wasnt being specific to these forums. There are some talented people here though, I just get tired of everyone modeling guns all the time. Anyway.... ill stop.

Master Man Of Justice
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Posted: 9th Feb 2011 02:24
Quote: " I just get tired of everyone modeling guns all the time. Anyway.... ill stop."

I dont get tired of guns, i get tired of bad guns. But you have to remember, most newbies to modeling want to jump into it (good thing) and the most popular choice is weapons. Albeit 95% of the models are crappy and 99.9999% of them dont have a texture and the ones that do arent good. But hey, thats why they are NEW to it.

General Jackson
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Posted: 9th Feb 2011 04:16 Edited at: 9th Feb 2011 04:17
The model is very good RUCCUS, but the neck is too fat.
Make it a tad skinnier

Edit: Kenny, are you ever going to be on msn again?

I am Southern, and I love Grits. Feel free to ask me what grits are if your a yankee
Master Man Of Justice
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Posted: 9th Feb 2011 04:36
General, yes, my main rig is down im doing some recovery on it, its taking longer then usual and im busy with other things.

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Posted: 9th Feb 2011 05:17
Master Man, I've gotta say, for someone that is knocking the entire modeling community on these forums, you don't really have that great of a model history yourself from what I've seen in your posts :/. I mean, Ive been modeling for going on 10 years now, I've got a bachelors in computer animation and a degree in fine arts, I'll be working at Ubisoft next year, and I've never considered coming on here and insulting the other modelers. Sure, they might not have the best work, but give them a break, they're learning. 90% of them may not have anything of quality to show, but 99% of the users of these forums are under 20 years old. If you want to frequent somewhere with better skill, head over to the cgsociety forums instead.

Sorry, I hope that didn't come out mean, it just gets on my nerves when people trash talk others when they're obviously trying.

In regards to the neck, I wont be shrinking it, Ill only be adjusting the anatomy of the muscles to be more correct. I quite like the proportions of the neck as they stand now.
Master Man Of Justice
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Posted: 9th Feb 2011 05:47
Ruccus, i dont consider myself outside of that percentage. Im going based off the work ive seen outside of here, notice i didnt include myself in the list. I know im not up to par, but it doesnt mean i cant criticize. I dont think anyone in themselves, suck or, should stop modeling, im just saying, there are alot of newcomers that come here.

I wasnt trying to trash talk, maybe i came across that way. Sorry. There are new modelers i see that are doing good. I probably shouldnt have said
Quote: "'almost everyone i see isnt putting forth effort'"
as that isnt true.

After further reviewing my previous posts in the last month, ive come to the conclusion that im a grump-a**. And i apologize

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Posted: 9th Feb 2011 22:33
Ubisoft! great gig man! Im perticularly fond of there games. So woot woot to you! heh.

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Posted: 10th Feb 2011 02:35
Thanks, Ill either be doing character animation or asset modeling for them in the new studio they just opened up in Toronto. I cant wait.
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Posted: 10th Feb 2011 21:42
thats a dream job if you ask me! Good luck!

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