Here is a method to add user interface buttons that alternately depress and raise.
Rem Project: ButtonMaker
Rem Created: 10/9/2003 10:22:06 AM
Rem ***** Main Source File *****
Rem ***** By Codger
set window on
set window size 1024,768
sync on
sync rate 0
set text font "ariel"
set text size 18
get image 999,1,1,2,2
type Buttons
x as integer
y as integer
w as integer
h as integer
pressed as boolean
Label$ as string
Global MyTimer
global dim Button(300) as Buttons
Global ActiveButton
randomize Timer()
i = 0
For y = 1 to 14
For x = 1 to 8
inc i
Button(i).x = x * 110
Button(i).y = y * 33
Button(i).w = 100
Button(i).h = 30
Button(i).Label$ = "Button "+str$(i)
Button(i).Pressed = 0
next x
next y
J = 0
For y = 1 to 3
For x = 1 to 3
inc i
inc j
Button(i).x = 600+(x * 33)
Button(i).y = 550+(y * 33)
Button(i).w = 30
Button(i).h = 30
Button(i).Label$ = str$(j)
Button(i).Pressed = 0
next x
next y
inc i
inc j
Button(i).x = 600+(1 * 33)
Button(i).y = 550+(4 * 33)
Button(i).w = 63
Button(i).h = 30
Button(i).Label$ = str$(j)
Button(i).Pressed = 0
if mouseclick() > 0 then CheckButton(0)
set cursor 100,500
Print "Screen FPS : ",Screen FPS()
set cursor 100,530
Print "Active Button : ",Button(ActiveButton).Label$
Function Make_button(n)
x = Button(n).x
Y = Button(n).y
W = Button(n).w
H = Button(n).h
Label$ = Button(n).Label$
if sprite exist(n) then delete sprite n
create bitmap 1,w,h
set current bitmap 1
ink RGB(202,202,202),RGB(0,0,0)
box 0,0,w,h
if Button(n).Pressed = 0 then ink RGB(249,249,249),rgb(0,0,0) else ink RGB(40,40,40),rgb(0,0,0)
line 1,1,w,1
line 0,0,w,0
line 1,1,1,h
line 0,0,0,h
if Button(n).Pressed = 0 then ink RGB(40,40,40),rgb(0,0,0) else ink RGB(249,249,249),rgb(0,0,0)
Line w-1,1,w-1,h
Line w-2,2,w-2,h
line w-1,h-1,1,h-1
line w-2,h-2,2,h-2
ink RGB(0,0,0),RGB(255,255,255)
center text w/2,h/2-(text height(Label$)/2),label$
Get image n,0,0,w,h,0
set current bitmap 0
delete bitmap 1
sprite n,x,y,n
Function CheckButton(Target)
ActiveButton = Pick_Sprite(Target)
if ActiveButton <> 0 and MyTimer < Timer()
MyTimer = Timer()+ 200
if Button(ActiveButton).Pressed = 1
Button(ActiveButton).Pressed = 0
Button(ActiveButton).Pressed = 1
Function Pick_Sprite(Target)
sprite 999,mousex(),Mousey(),999
hit = sprite collision(999,Target)
EndFunction hit
If you use it add me in a by-line
PIII 650 MZ H.P. Pavillion
394 Mem GeForce 4 400MX