Well as I've ran into some consistency problems with Dark Physics, I decided to try my hand at the integrated ode commands.
My first try, objects were falling through my dynamic box floor. This was remedied by changing 'ode set world step' from 0.02 to 0.001.
Now there seems to be a noticeable collision, however, it's in mid air! Has anyone ran in to this problem and may have come up with a solution?
Here are the ode code segments:
ode start
ode set world gravity 0.0,-9.8,0.0
ode set world step 0.001
ode set world cfm 0.001
ode create dynamic sphere 1
ode create dynamic sphere 2
ode create static box 3
ode setsurface mode contact bounce 1,0
ode set contact bounce 1,0.99
ode update
Thanks in advance!
Edit: Figured I should mention there is more code than this, including the actual object creation(i.e. make object sphere,make object box) I just didn't want to post it all for clarities sake.