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2D All the way! / [LOCKED] Torque 2D project looking for artists!

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Joined: 22nd Feb 2011
Location: Sweden
Posted: 22nd Feb 2011 15:45
Hello all!

I am the lead of a project me and my friends currently call Aspect Warriors. We've got the foundation of the game, we're just starting our actual full production and we need your help to bring this project where it deserves to be.

The game is a 2D Adventure/Action Platformer that's going to try and bring back some of the older type of games into the modern era by updating graphics and certain mechanics. Our big sources of inspiration are Ninja Gaiden, Castlevania and a lot of other old NES titles such as them.

The game is set in a high fantasy universe that draws a lot of inspiration from the ancient civilizations. We're currently working on the fourth iteration of the story and the script. The game itself will be pretty fast paced and we're aiming to create a challenging experience. Of course, we have nothing set in stone so you will also be welcome and encouraged to take part in the design process of the game.

We're looking to have this project done by the end of Spring 2011. We cannot offer anything other than part of what the game makes should we manage to release it. If the game turns out great we aim to release it commercially in some shape or form. If nothing else, we hope it will be a worthy showcase for your own portfolio.

We're currently a team of
Producer/Designer/Artist (Myself)
UI/AI Coder
Narrative/Script Writer
Concept Artist

As you can see I have managed to drastically overburdened myself, and am looking for help to take this project where it belongs. I am currently having a lot meetings and reports, while working on the design, while struggling to get any artwork done. We're shooting for a slightly comic book style of art, similar to the games of old, but with higher resolution.

What we mainly need is you who have experience in

Making beautiful terrain artwork
Making stunning background art
Know your way around 2D animation
Can stick to or even help develop a style

Any of these qualities will be greatly appreciated. If you're looking to help out and join our merry band I would be overjoyed. Send samples of your work to either of the adresses below and we'll talk further.

You can also mail if you have any additional questions.

I've added some samples, mostly concept art, that you can look at here.
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Joined: 4th Apr 2003
Location: Gods own County, UK
Posted: 22nd Feb 2011 21:00
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