I have been using the FPSC Segment Editor to create segments. In editor they appear to be normal. Like this:
But when I test them in-game, they come out like this:
Here is the .fps file code:
;Segment Spec
partmax = 4
lastmeshmax = 4
;Segment Parts
partmode0 = 0
meshname0 = meshbank\user\thoughtwire\customsegment.x
offx0 = 0
offy0 = 0
offz0 = 50
rotx0 = 0
roty0 = 0
rotz0 = 0
texture0 = texturebank\user\rooms\myroom\segmenttexture_01_d2.tga
transparency0 = 0
effect0 =
colmode0 = 0
csgmesh0 =
csgmode0 = 0
csgimmune0 = 0
lightmode0 = 0
multimeshmode0 = 0
materialindex0 = 0
partmode1 = 0
meshname1 = meshbank\user\rooms\myroom\floor_a.x
offx1 = 0
offy1 = -50
offz1 = 0
rotx1 = 0
roty1 = 0
rotz1 = 0
texture1 = texturebank\user\rooms\myroom\f_a_01_d2.tga
transparency1 = 0
effect1 =
colmode1 = 0
csgmesh1 =
csgmode1 = 0
csgimmune1 = 0
lightmode1 = 0
multimeshmode1 = 0
materialindex1 = 0
partmode2 = 0
meshname2 = meshbank\user\thoughtwire\customsegment.x
offx2 = 50
offy2 = 0
offz2 = 0
rotx2 = 0
roty2 = 90
rotz2 = 0
texture2 = texturebank\user\rooms\myroom\segmenttexture_01_d2.tga
transparency2 = 0
effect2 =
colmode2 = 0
csgmesh2 =
csgmode2 = 0
csgimmune2 = 0
lightmode2 = 0
multimeshmode2 = 0
materialindex2 = 0
partmode3 = 0
meshname3 = meshbank\user\thoughtwire\customsegment.x
offx3 = 0
offy3 = 0
offz3 = -50
rotx3 = 0
roty3 = 180
rotz3 = 0
texture3 = texturebank\user\rooms\myroom\segmenttexture_01_d2.tga
transparency3 = 0
effect3 =
colmode3 = 0
csgmesh3 =
csgmode3 = 0
csgimmune3 = 0
lightmode3 = 0
multimeshmode3 = 0
materialindex3 = 0
partmode4 = 0
meshname4 = meshbank\user\thoughtwire\customsegment.x
offx4 = -50
offy4 = 0
offz4 = 0
rotx4 = 0
roty4 = 270
rotz4 = 0
texture4 = texturebank\user\rooms\myroom\segmenttexture_01_d2.tga
transparency4 = 0
effect4 =
colmode4 = 0
csgmesh4 =
csgmode4 = 0
csgimmune4 = 0
lightmode4 = 0
multimeshmode4 = 0
materialindex4 = 0
;Segment Visibility
visoverlay = 0
visfloor = 1
visroof = -1
viswallb = 3
viswallr = 2
viswallf = 0
viswalll = 4
viscornertl = -1
viscornertr = -1
viscornerbr = -1
viscornerbl = -1
;Segment Blueprint
mode = 0
symbol = 0
floorsizey = -1
sidesizex = 100
sidesizey = 100
sidesizez = 100
groundmode = 0
kindof = 0
Help would be much appreciated.
ThoughtWire Software -