I Confess...
At a mates party, fairly recently, we all had a few drinks and i had been trying to court a fine lady for most of the night.
As my unsucesfullness finally dawned upon me, i gave up and just stayed away from her for the rest of the night...
Later (about 4am) when we were all just going to sleep, Zoe (the young lady i was trying to court) didnt have anywhere to sleep, so, Chris, my mate (the one whose party it was), offered for her to sleep with him in his double bed (they didnt intend to "get it on" or anything, it was just so she didnt have to sleep on the floor).
After about ten minutes, when all the lights were out and every1 was nodding off to sleep, Chris came out of his room and nudged us all awake (every1 except him and Zoe were sleeping in the loungeroom), he then proceeded to explain his "plan" that he had just thought of to us.
The plan was thus:
He hadn't turned the light on when he had gotten out of his bed (where Zoe was still lying) so it was almost pitch black.
He said, "Ok, i dare one of you to go in there and jump into bed with Zoe... She wont know its you, she'll think it's me..."
Natuarally, i happily agreed to do it (this was my chance with her). He suggested that i jump into his bed and slowly make a move on her. so... i did...
After about ten minutes, with every1 just outside the door of the bedroom (it was so obvious), i finally managed to get to just within kissing her, she made a move to kiss me, but i backed away (i had an attack of drunken morality) and said, in Chris's voice "Hang on, ill be right back".
I then got up, and went out of the room, and told the guys what had happened, and then Chris went back to his room and jumped into bed with Zoe, who, thinking it had been him the whole time, tryed to kiss him, but he said "no" and just rolled over...
True story... Zoe still doesnt know
Knowladge Belongs To The People...