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FPSC Classic Bug Reports / Antigrav Platform/ waypoint Limitations?

Matt Rock
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Location: Binghamton NY USA
Posted: 24th Apr 2011 23:03 Edited at: 25th Apr 2011 04:10
I've never really done much with the antigrav platform until now. I'm trying to put together a level where the player rides on an antigrav platform through a sort of shooting gallery, with baddies firing from nearby windows as the player passes them by. But this level has been more difficult to put together than the nine preceeding it combined, so I figured I'd ask for some advice

First off, there's the issue of the player falling off the platform. I tried using Nicky's locking script from the community guide, but the platform won't move with that script on. Also, the player is exposed to a lot of fire, which is troublesome. Is there a free entity out there that works like the antigrav platform, but with walls the player can duck behind to not get shot in the face?

My second problem is with the waypoints. The platform stops moving between the fourth and fifth waypoints. For this level to work properly, it's going to need the platform to follow closer to 30 waypoints. Is that possible? Do I need to edit the script? I'm using version 118, beta 14, if that matters.

Last but not least, can you link a waypoint onto itself? As it stands, the platform follows the waypoints back to the starting place, but then it turns around and starts heading the opposite direction. Any suggestions in how to make that not happen, or do I need to re-design the level to accomodate that?

Sorry for asking a million noobish questions. You'd think I'd be more well-versed in FPSC, lol.

Edit: Now I'm wondering if it has anything to do with the room opening from one unit into a larger, three-unit-wide corridor, as the same problem happened elsewhere in the level, but with only four waypoints on a separate track. Also, I added a second antigrav platform to try and get around the initial problem. This second platform has exactly the same setup as the first, but I pass directly through the second one as if it doesn't have collision. Any ideas?

In an interstellar burst, I'm back to save the universe
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Posted: 25th Apr 2011 03:22
I'm not sure of your level design, but there is a known issue with antigrav platforms that I have brought up a number of times here, and it has yet (hasn't been fixed in x10, and to the best of my knowledge in x9 either) to be fixed.

The issue is if the waypoint travels over an opening in the floor (open to levels below), the platform stops...I think this happened when they made an update to keep characters from dropping off the edges of levels, but did not account for the antigrav platforms. Not sure if this applies to your situation, but just thought I would mention it.

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Matt Rock
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Location: Binghamton NY USA
Posted: 25th Apr 2011 22:32 Edited at: 25th Apr 2011 22:33
I fixed it as well as I could, but yeah, this is definitely a bug, after having thoroughly exausted every bit of testing I could think of. Here's the bug:

Problem 1: Imagine a corridor, right? You've made it one segment wide. The antigrav platform will follow it just fine, but if it passes into an area that's three segments wide, the entity stops moving. In other words, if the antigrav platform doesn't have a wall touching it, it doesn't move.

Problem 2: It seems that if I grab the antigrav platform entity from my library and use it immediately, all is well. But if I open that entity, even if I don't alter any settings, the antigrav platform stops working in that you can't step onto it (you pass straight through it).

Problem #1 is manageable, as you can simply keep the platform near a wall. Problem #2, on the other hand, makes this level impossible for me to finish. It takes about ten minutes for the platform to get from the starting waypoint to the end of the "track." There are areas where you can hop off the platform and explore, but that would mean you'd be waiting for ten minutes for the platform to return to you, and then more waiting for the platform to get back to where you jumped off.

Waypoints apparently can't be linked onto themselves in a constant loop, so my only option, or so it appears, is to spawn a new platform every thirty seconds, and destroy every platform after ten minutes. But if I can't edit the entity itself without causing it to lose its collision detection, that idea isn't going to work. Any ideas here folks?

In an interstellar burst, I'm back to save the universe

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