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Work in Progress / Cosmos Defender

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Posted: 28th Apr 2011 18:33


Some of you may remember I started work on a Space Invaders/Galaxians clone awhile back and kind of let it slip. A couple of month back I decided to rewrite the entire code and now the game has been sitting on my desktop doing nothing. So to get myself moving I thought I'd let you guys comment on it and maybe get the energy to actually finish a project.

This version is still very alpha, but is playable. I'll be adding features as I go along, depending mainly on time.

In the meantime, commnets are welcome or simply enjoy a little retro gaming.

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Posted: 30th Apr 2011 23:14
No takers? Just wondering if anyone thinks this is worth continuing with?
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Posted: 1st May 2011 00:30
This is a very basic stuff compared to the things people would expect here i guess, so don't be sad if you don't get much more than a "nice" every few weeks at best.

I have a few notes for you though on design, the bullets from each side, but especially from the aliens are quite hard to see. Those should have been rather some kind of glowy stuff not plain objects. Also it was a nice addition to make them fly at you at one point, but it was so strangely executed i first thought it was a bug of some kind and so puzzled me i didn't think it will come back from the bottom.

Are those particles when something explodes are controlled by some kind of a particle system of yours? Big fan of that topic this is why asking.

If you ask me this is a real nice first task, but it is time to do something bigger right after this, so stop here with this one. I never thought Invaders was such an awesome idea it had to spawn thousands of clones, and on top of that, there are already a ton just made with DB.

-In.Dev.X: A unique heavy story based shoot'em ~12%
-CoreFleet: An underground commander unit based RTS ~15%
-TailsVSEggman: An Sonic themed RTS under development for idea presentation to Sega ~15%
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Joined: 3rd May 2008
Posted: 1st May 2011 00:47
Thanks for comments.

Quote: "he bullets from each side, but especially from the aliens are quite hard to see"

Yes, they are kind of wip, and I agree.

Quote: "Are those particles when something explodes are controlled by some kind of a particle system of yours?"

I guess so, I'd not really thought of it as such, but yes, it's hardly complex, but I felt it suited the game.

Quote: "If you ask me this is a real nice first task, but it is time to do something bigger right after this"

Not really my first task, but I'm a big fan of the old style shoot'em ups so this is more of a wistful look back at times past,but I do agree, it would be good to move onto something bigger, time willing.

Thanks again for your comments. I think I might make 1 or 2 changes just to finish this off before moving on.

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