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Work in Progress / Real-time Occlusion Culling

Max P
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Posted: 16th Jun 2011 15:51
@Red Eye
Added you on msn, sorry for the late response, I was on holiday for a week.
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Posted: 2nd Jul 2011 09:53
Max P

I just found the post

using what you have and Matty H "Darkimposters"

this will give a lot of speed back to games

I unpacked and added the latest update that was posted

my cps

inside the building 150,435
3,760,875 inside the occlusion culling turned off

I've got a few project ideas that will defendant befit

If a thought is Just a thought ~ so whats the main thought ?
Max P
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Posted: 2nd Jul 2011 12:47 Edited at: 2nd Jul 2011 12:47
using darkimposters... great idea
I already improved the system a bit, it is a lot faster and accurate now.
it will be released in about 1-2 mounths in the game engine I am making. There will be a WIP post soon.
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Posted: 2nd Jul 2011 13:13 Edited at: 2nd Jul 2011 13:13
Max P

will this be a free or pay addition to the DBP Addition ?

If a thought is Just a thought ~ so whats the main thought ?
Max P
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Posted: 2nd Jul 2011 13:37
The whole game engine will be around $50. And if I can get the culling system in a dll I will probably sell it for a low amount of money, $5 or $10. The only problem with that is my lack of knowledge on creating dll's...
The prices can change a bit, it's just a rough 'guess'.
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Posted: 2nd Jul 2011 14:15
$50 sounds right for a hole engine

I'm thinking as much as I do not want to say this

the dll by it's self will be closer $15 to $20 usa 'oP

even if you can't get the culling system
just selling the code for $12 usa will also do the trick

as long as it's pop in function command

If a thought is Just a thought ~ so whats the main thought ?
Max P
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Posted: 2nd Jul 2011 14:22
The system has some easy to use commands, this is the full list:
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Posted: 30th Jul 2011 16:14
Max P

sooo ware are things at in the finished item ?

If a thought is Just a thought ~ so whats the main thought ?
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Posted: 30th Jul 2011 19:37
Great stuff! The culling just is amazing!


God help me, Please.
Max P
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Posted: 31st Jul 2011 12:52 Edited at: 31st Jul 2011 12:56
Well.. I'm trying to get everything in a dll, but I haven't created dll's before, so I'm in a bit of a learning progress now

I did improve the culling, it runs at about 300 fps now using multithreading
It's also more accurate now.

If I can get the dll to work I will probaly release the culling in a dll, if not... I will stick to my old plan and release it along with my

game engine (and editor).

For those who are interested in the engine, these are the current features. (WIP comming soon)

- Easy to use material system
- Advanced lighting (From Evolved)
- Procedural map loading/streaming
- Real-time occlusion culling
- The basic stuff in the editor:
* Create/move/rotate/scale objects
* add/change materials
+ change texture stages using drag and drop
+ change shader
* Add/edit lights
- Some other stuff, just the highlights here, more info in the WIP comming soon

edit It's also very easy to code with. This will create a small room with a rotating wheel in the middle and some windows and a button:
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Posted: 7th Aug 2011 00:54
Quote: "I did improve the culling, it runs at about 300 fps now using multithreading
It's also more accurate now."

That's great to hear.
The editor sounds good too.


God help me, Please.
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Posted: 15th Aug 2011 19:11
Works well for me. That's a big FPS boost. But I had thought occlusion culling refered to rendering polygons or not, instead of the entire object. None the less, nice work.

No, it's not pokemon.
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Posted: 5th Oct 2011 01:44
Max P

are you any closer to a Release ?

one thought might be to use the old
Dark Basic 1.21 to pack the files and send a
command to it to unpack whats needed when it's needed
and erase that file or files so no one can steal what you have dun

If a thought is Just a thought ~ so whats the main thought ?
Max P
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Posted: 5th Oct 2011 16:09
I'm sorry for not posting for so long, but I'm verry bussy with my study right now. So I probally won't update this for the next few months.
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Posted: 5th Oct 2011 18:16
Can't wait 'till you do! It's looking very promising!

Malevolence: The Sword of Ahkranox
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Posted: 31st Oct 2011 18:41
I did something like this for a game I started, too.

Did you include the houses as complete objects?
Because when I tried this with to many objects the performance was
killed by all the collision detections. XD

I got like 30 FPS with culling turned off, and 200-400 with culling
turned on, depending on my position and the directions I´m looking.

Seems legit.

Are you using the Raycasting from Sparkys Collision for this?
That´s what I did.
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Posted: 2nd Dec 2011 12:58
Max P

I just bought "Tree Party"

I thought it would be a dll addition to the DBP family of additions
but it was code that I could change if I wanted too

so it seams if you would release your code in the same format
that every one could start using it now

just some thing to think about

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Max P
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Posted: 3rd Dec 2011 11:33
It has been a while, but I wanted to let everyone know that I started working on this again. I'm now cleaning up the code, adding/removing some things and preparing it to sell the code, just like Tree Party
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Posted: 3rd Dec 2011 13:33
Max P

glad to know it will be out soon

I know you wanted to release it as a dll
but we both are lost on that kind of programing ;P

just for fun I bought "Pure PLUGIN" so if I wanted to
build my own dll's additions I could but I have to save up
for "Pure Basic" but that will be much further down the road
before I can understand how to use either of them

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Max P
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Posted: 3rd Dec 2011 15:57
Visibility can now be pre-calculated for static objects. The data will be saved to a file and can be loaded within a few ms. This way static objects can be culled without hard calculations. My test map with 4000 cubes runs at about 300 fps (~40 without culling). And since there aren't any calcuations needed a map with 20000 cubes will probably run with the same speed (haven't tested it yet).
The real-time system for dynamic objects is also a lot more stable now, with less artifacts.
Max P
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Posted: 20th Dec 2011 16:08 Edited at: 20th Dec 2011 17:02
First post updated
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Posted: 20th Dec 2011 20:26 Edited at: 20th Dec 2011 20:27
I tried it

The system works, there's a huge reduction in rendered polygons which is really good. But your system just doesn't do it correctly all the time. I've had cases where I walk around the city and suddenly out of nowhere a house appears right in front of me. If I walk in one direction for a long time, stop and turn around, all of the houses are missing behind me until I start walking towards them. And even then, not all of the houses turn up until you're inside them. I tried taking screenshots but that just crashed the stupid thing and all I got on the clipboard was a huge black image

I see real potential for this, so keep up the good work! I hope you get those bugs fixed.


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Posted: 21st Dec 2011 01:04
I tried the new demo

my speed with it on as 20 cps
off it was 0 and chugging

I have to wonder what thing will be like with all the other
additions running at the same time how well my system will work

I guess I will have to get a hole new system including moving
up to quad core cpu

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Max P
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Posted: 21st Dec 2011 10:43 Edited at: 21st Dec 2011 11:00
Quote: "But your system just doesn't do it correctly all the time"

Have you tried running it without the post filters. Maybe it just can't handle it. What fps do you get?
And does it happen on only some places? Cause I'm having a small bug where it ignores the first house in every static group. It hides the objects behind the house, but the house itself stays invisible. Maybe you were walking through those few houses?

If you turn the effects off it runs at about 100 fps. So there is plenty of room for other things. There is also a function to loop through all the visible objects. With this you only have to update the visible objects, for exmaple, when calculating lod levels. Speeding those calculations up.

Just tested it on my laptop, and it has the same problem as you describe. I'll look into it and hopefully solve it.
Max P
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Posted: 21st Dec 2011 11:11 Edited at: 21st Dec 2011 11:48
Just a little question:
What do you prefer?
1. Keeping the houses as a demo and releasing the code as soon as possible, or
2. Waiting a bit longer to come up with a proper map for a demo.
3. Leave the extra features such as precalculated visibility maps and optimised statics for a later version/update and release the basic system as soon as possible.
Max P
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Posted: 23rd Dec 2011 19:03 Edited at: 23rd Dec 2011 19:04
The system is almost finished, I'm implenting the multi-threading system now. After that I only need to create the help files and some small examples.
The multi-threaded version works way better, here are some results:
20 Million polygons: 100-200 fps (peek of 550 fps)
40 Million polygons: 100-200 fps (peek of 550 fps)
100 Million polygons: ~100 fps
166 Million polygons: ~100 fps (But too much artifacts to play properly)

The bug you had is fixed now

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Posted: 23rd Dec 2011 20:02 Edited at: 23rd Dec 2011 20:12
This is Impressive Max.

I have tried your demo and I must say you've basically tackle the major rendering problem that I believe has been holding Darkbasic Pro back for years.

with this plug-in I can see 10K+ poly characters becoming the new norm in DBP.

I might as well report what I got on the fixed demo:

no Occlusion | no Shaders:12fps
Occlusion | no Shaders: 40-55fps
no Occlusion | Shader: 0-2fps
Occlusion | Shader: 18fps (evolved's light scatter shader hates my AMD Radeon HD 5450 card it always locks my fps to 18 no mattter how much polygons are on screen)

edit: btw nice signiture
Brendy boy
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Posted: 23rd Dec 2011 20:26
excellent stuff
occlusion & shaders ==17-20fps (Core i5 2.26Ghz ATI Mobility Radeon HD 5470 512 VRAM)

Matty H
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Posted: 24th Dec 2011 01:10
Quote: "I have tried your demo and I must say you've basically tackle the major rendering problem that I believe has been holding Darkbasic Pro back for years."

I don't think people realise the amount of optimisations the pro game developers use to achieve a high standard of graphics.

DirectX does not do this for you so neither does DBPro, so it is not holding DBPro back as such.

Occlusion culling is a major optimisation technique and it's great that Max P has implemented it. Great work Max, good luck with this

Max P
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Posted: 30th Dec 2011 11:32 Edited at: 30th Dec 2011 11:34
I'm almost finished with this The final demo will be ready tomorrow, at least, thats what I am aiming for.
edit Just to let you know, I also added level-of-detail support, it only updates the lod on visible objects, so it is verry fast

Here are a few screenshots to show the power of Dark Occlusion:

10.000 houses, ~15 million polygons.

Down in the city: 85 fps, 19742 polygons.

@Matty H
I was reading the developer info where it says:
- Extremely Competitive Royalty rates
This isn't really clear, and since you are selling Dark Imposters, could you tell me what the royalty rates are? Just curious

Matty H
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Posted: 30th Dec 2011 14:49
They say the standard rate for reselling plugins is a 60-40 split in your favour. This means that you can also sell it elsewhere or on your own site etc.

People may have negotiated a better deal, I have not managed to though

Send me an email if you think I can help you with anything.

Great name and logo by the way.

Max P
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Posted: 30th Dec 2011 21:36
Quote: "Great name and logo by the way."

Thanks, worked hard on it

And thanks for the info, 60-40 sounds reasonable, I will probably sell it for $20, so that's $12 for me

Max P
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Posted: 2nd Jan 2012 13:47 Edited at: 2nd Jan 2012 14:12
First post updated with latest demo. The library itself is finished, just need to create the help files now

And a happy new year to everyone!

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Posted: 2nd Jan 2012 17:04
@Max P

I like the way it starts up

at the setting of 1000 objects and 1000 dynamic objects
every thing ran good at about 30 cps even with the Occulusion
turned off the speed when down to 23 cps

but saying that

I pushed things to the limit of 10,000 objects and 10,000 dynamic objects
but it crashed and said

Runtime Error - Bank position outside range of bank 3 at line 1407

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Max P
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Posted: 2nd Jan 2012 18:25 Edited at: 2nd Jan 2012 18:54

I think I made the buffer too small for 10,000 dynamic objects, I will fix it

Fixed it, 10,000 dynamic objects work fine now (20 fps here).
Demo in first post updated.

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Posted: 4th Jan 2012 19:44
@Max P


and it seams there is quirk with the forum

when you updated the message

nothing was sent to my e-mail saying that it had been updated

it's a good thing I check back ;o)

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Posted: 5th Jan 2012 09:31
@Max P

well that did the trick

if your ready to sell I am ready to buy
PayPal is what I can use to pay you now

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Posted: 7th Jan 2012 23:11
It's just amazing! I was about to implement my own pre-compiled PVS system when stumbled upon this. Smooth frame rates. Definitely buying this.

ACER Aspire 5920G: Core2Duo 2.2GHZ, 2GB, GeForce 8600M GT 1280MB, Windows Vista Ultimate SP1, PureBasic 4.60 + PureGDK 2.0
Max P
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Posted: 8th Jan 2012 11:09
Quote: "It's just amazing"


I have send a business proposal to The Game Creators. So I hope they will respond soon and are willing to sell this.

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Posted: 8th Jan 2012 11:42
@Max P

I am ready to buy with or with out TGC

and they do not need to add in anther icon
to the editor to have it work ;o)

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Posted: 8th Jan 2012 12:07
Hi MaxP, when do you think this will be available for purchase? You'll have a loyal customer here!

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Posted: 8th Jan 2012 12:32 Edited at: 8th Jan 2012 12:33
Quote: "I am ready to buy with or with out TGC."

True. If you cant get a deal with TGC just let me know and I'll buy directly from you.

ACER Aspire 5920G: Core2Duo 2.2GHZ, 2GB, GeForce 8600M GT 1280MB, Windows Vista Ultimate SP1, PureBasic 4.60 + PureGDK 2.0
Max P
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Posted: 8th Jan 2012 13:11
I think I will just wait for TGC, cause I don't really know how to handle all the payments. I also don't have a paypal account.
I'll let you know when I get an answer from TGC

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Posted: 8th Jan 2012 15:51
Can't wait! Awesome stuff!

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Posted: 8th Jan 2012 16:16
Am buying for sure. The 6X-8X speed boost alone makes this worth it. and the static occlusion you added on top is a real seller. Well done.

I hope you get TGC approval, I'll still buy it regardless of the outcome though.
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Posted: 8th Jan 2012 18:34
@Max P

getting and paypal account is not hard

about 3 days to get things going from what I rember

but ok we all wait

my only concern is that the variable names or functions
do not conflict with other things I have or plan to add

I've dealt with this before with example found but
I know I can rework things pretty quickly and start using

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Max P
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Posted: 8th Jan 2012 20:00
All the functions and global variables have OC_ as prefix

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Posted: 8th Jan 2012 20:17
@Max P


one other question
how come "msvcp71.dll" and "msvcr71.dll"
are needed to run the example ?

dose this mean every program created with it will require it to be there ?

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Posted: 8th Jan 2012 20:22
Well I'm just anxious for the day I can purchase. By the way, I have a setup purchase system on my site and would be more than happy to sponsor your creation. Just send me an email and we can talk.

God help me, Please.
Max P
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Posted: 8th Jan 2012 21:36
I'm not quite sure about that. It works fine on my pc and laptop, but on some pc's it needs those. I think thats just the case when C++ redist isn't installed.

For now I will just wait for TGC to answer, but if they won't sell it I'll let you know. I appreciate the offer

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