Hey guys, I'd like to announce my EasyMatrix project
I know there are a few matrix editors out there, but they seem to be quite complicated to use. Mine is designed to be super-simple.
This is still very much a work in progress, but if anyone fancies testing it at this stage, I'd welcome the feedback and ideas.
Some screenshots of the latest version (v0.4a at the time of writing)...
The bottom one there is to show the design/real world view. The real world view will look much better once textures are implemented
At the moment, the size of the matrix is set at 1000 x 1000 and the number of tiles are set at 20 x 20, but these are easily changed within the program. Obviously they will be user-set in the end product.
The only requirements are that the user has a mouse which has a clickable wheel (used for camera control).
Basically, you can click anywhere on a tile to raise or lower it, but if you click on a "node", it just raises or lowers that individual node. This makes for a fully editable matrix. I haven't included detailed instructions because it really is so simple that they are not needed. LMB = raise, RMB = lower.
I have included a demo with this post in the hope that I will get some feedback (positive or negative, it's all taken on board
) but there is no ability to save the matrix in this demo.
Thanks in advance for checking it out.