To use a spritesheet, do this:
load bitmap filename,bitmapNumber
set current bitmap bitmapNumber
"Filename" refers to the location of the spritesheet, "bitmapNumber" is a number that you assign to it to keep it in memory. If you assign it a 0, it will draw the bitmap to the screen. Next, you specify an image colorkey:
set image colorkey 255,255,255
...In that example it's set to white, which means that when images are pulled from the spritesheet, the color white will not be shown. You do this to prevent the spritesheet's background color from surrounding the image. To pull an image from the spritesheet...
get image imageNumber,left,top,right,bottom
...Where "imageNumber" just refers to a number (can't be 0) to keep the image, and "left,top,right,bottom" are the coordinates in the spritesheet where the image is located. That part works identically to drawing a box in DB.
Only problem is, that method of getting an image only gets one image at a time. The spritesheet that Grog Grueslayer provided looks like it has every single image spaced the exact same amount of pixels between each one. So, let's say for example that you wanted to pull the melee attack animation, which consists of three frames. And, just as an example, assume that the starting coordinates for that animation are (0,400), and that each frame is about 35 pixels wide and 45 pixels tall. You would replace the "get image" code above with this:
for z = 0 to 2
get image z+1,z*35,400,(z*35)+35,445
next z
Now you have your images, and can delete the bitmap and set the screen as the current bitmap:
set current bitmap 0
delete bitmap bitmapNumber
This is what it looks like altogether:
load bitmap filename,bitmapNumber
set current bitmap bitmapNumber
set image colorkey 255,255,255
get image imageNumber,left,top,right,bottom
set current bitmap 0
delete bitmap bitmapNumber
There you go. BAM