I've stumbled across a compatibility issue with Dark Shader and Dark AI. Firstly, the libraries conflict with each other, but I solved that by adding /FORCE:MULTIPLE /LTCG to the command line of the linker section of the project properties.
Try this code:
#include "DarkGDK.h"
#include "ShaderData.h"
#pragma comment ( lib, "shaderdata.lib" )
#include "DarkAI.h"
#pragma comment ( lib, "DarkAI.lib" )
void DarkGDK ( void )
dbSyncRate( 0 );
dbShaderDataStart( );
dbMakeObjectSphere( 1, 10 );
dbAutoCamOff( );
while ( LoopGDK( ) )
dbPositionCamera( 1,dbCameraPositionX(0),dbCameraPositionY(0),dbCameraPositionZ(0) );
dbRotateCamera(1,dbCameraAngleX(0),dbCameraAngleY(0),dbCameraAngleZ(0) );
dbTurnObjectLeft( 1, 0.1 );
dbSync( );
Does anyone know any workarounds to this?