I've been trying to write a subroutine for saving and loading a terrain using blitzterrain
It works fine saving the terrain, but I can't seem to able to load it, the program just freezes. (exits immediately on esc key, so its not chunking)
here's the code i'm using.
if KEYSTATE(59) = 1
input name$
name$ = name$ + ".blt"
bt saveterrain 1,name$
filename$ = name$
if keystate(60) = 1
bt deleteterrain g_terrainID
g_TerrainID=BT LoadTerrain(filename$,g_TerrainObjectID,1)
BT SetTerrainTexture g_TerrainID,g_TextureImgID
BT SetTerrainDetail g_TerrainID,g_DetailmapImgID
BT BuildTerrain g_TerrainID,g_TerrainObjectID,1
At the start of the project I load a flat terrain which loads fine.
my debugger is on strike so I'm unable to see what its hanging on.
any suggestions or advice would be greatly appreciated.
Sometimes I like to use words out of contents