Thanks, but I got it working with some kinda quirky code I wro
void camerasync ( int distance, int offset, int object, int height , int xoffset ) {
dbPositionCamera ( dbObjectPositionX(object)-dbCOS(360+offset-dbObjectAngleY(object))*-distance,
dbObjectPositionY(object) + height,
dbObjectPositionZ(object)-dbSIN(360+offset-dbObjectAngleY(object))*-distance );
dbPointCamera ( dbObjectPositionX(object), dbObjectPositionY(object)+height, dbObjectPositionZ(object));
dbMoveCameraRight(0, xoffset );
distance is the distance the camera will be from the specified object,
offset is the angle offset ( rotate an extra N degrees ),
object is the object to follow,
height is the camera's height, and
xoffset moves the camera to the left or right of the object ( positive values go right, negative goes left ).
I hope this mildly messy code helps someone!