Yes and No. I know, not very helpful.
You will likely be able to take small sections at a time and recode them in AppGameKit fairly easy. For example, to load an image, make a sprite out of it, scale it by 50% and position it in the center of the screen would look like this.
rem sw and sh would be variables you set for the resolution width and height
iTest = LoadImage("TestImage.png", 0)
sTest = CreateSprite(iTest)
SetSpriteScale(sTest, 0.5, 0.5)
SetSpriteOffset(sTest, GetSpriteWidth(sTest)/2, GetSpriteHeight(sTest)/2)
SetSpritePositionByOffset(sTest, sw/2, sh/2)
Text is another area that is very different from DBPro, but again they've made it so easy it wont take much time to convert.
To create a text object using your custom bitmap font, set it's size, set it's color, and position it just above center.
iFont = LoadImage("MyFont.png", 0)
tTest = CreateText("This is a test.")
SetTextFontImage(tTest, iFont)
SetTextColor(tTest, 255, 64, 64, 255) rem Red Green Blue Alpha
SetTextSize(tTest, 24)
SetTextOffset(tTest, GetTextTotalWidth(tTest)/2, GetTextTotalHeight(tTest)/2)
SetTextPositionByOffset(tTest, sw/2, sh/2 - 24)
You can see more source code in the
Asteroid Blast thread. One or two of the commands have changed a little since I posted that, but nothing to major.