Hi guys, I've been coding a new Text based procedural RPG game. This will eventually go into a feature length tutorial. For now I'll spend time developing it as a game, as if I was going to try and sell this on the market.
The title - Vanishing Gold.
I'm calling this game Vanishing Gold for the time being, and I'm coming up with a 10 level story, to add on top of the procedurally generated content.
The goal
The goal of this project is to produce a working Text Adventure game featuring procedurally generated content, in addition to this scripted content will also be produced, as will a simple questing system (pre-scripted or scripted, I'm not sure yet).
The game will feature a persistent world, that can be saved at any time, as part of the World(0) array setup.
The area descriptions will be (and are currently) procedurally generated, each area has a possibility of an effect, that apply to the users health, stat's or weapons.
Story mode adds 10 extra zones, each of these zones will feature a guardian, and a staircase to the next level (or next world as stated in game). Upon activating these staircases you'll receive a new part of the main story line.
Game play style:
The game play style will be completely command based. To go north, you'll type in "go north" or just "n" for short. Same applies to west, east and south.
Final result
The final result of this project, is to use this program as a teaching tool for anyone planning to produce an RPG. While the engine is text based, it will also provide a starting point for turn based RPG games, and other styled procedural games. The code is coded with real time graphics in mind. Rather than using wait and sleep commands, instead I delay the code using loops and triggers, in these loops anything could be produced.
This is the 3rd update video. So you can see what the game is like for yourself. I'll post additional updates as progress continues.
You can download the latest code from
*** Alpha 0.22 Download ***
Highlighted item text
Colour Introduction
Fade in and Fade out effect
Reworking of flag code
Main Menu
*** Alpha 0.25 Download ***
truncated words appearing
beast's not appearing at staircases
* Two new stat's, Strength and Magic.
* Formatting function that identifies to program specific word or text colour by inserting symbol before each character. I.E. %T%H%I%S% %T%E%X%T will appear in the GOLD colour as THIS TEXT.
* Weapon requirements added, you can't just pick up any old weapon now you have to earn it.
* Hud layout altered
* Highlighted text for weapons, monsters and items. (should make scanning text easier)
* Six new commands, Fire Spell, Ice Spell, Earth Spell, Air Spell, Point to Strength, Point to Magic
* Land identification data affects spells
– Example, casting fire in enclosed spaces, wood, forest, cabin, sets fire to your surroundings and does both you and your foe damage, if your health is below 10 when you do this, you die. Fire spell in water place such as River, Snow mountains, Ice field, will only deal 25% to monster if over 4 points in health. If under it will deal instant death. Earth places such as flatlands and grasslands (anything with wide open spaces) will get you 75% damage to monsters over 4 points, and air places such as high mountains and hills will get you 33% damage.
* New locations added
* Respawned players get "A ginger root" as a weapon, (just for giggles)