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Music & Sound FX / TGC's SFX Engine

Captain Coder
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Posted: 25th Jul 2011 00:12
Hello all,

Was wondering if TGC's SFX Engine is good, as I am looking for a sound creation engine that doesn't just edit sounds. Also, I am looking for a music creation engine. First, does the SFX Engine do this, and two, if not, what would be a good program to do so?

Captain Coder
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Posted: 25th Jul 2011 03:09
I have no experience with the SFX engine; there seems to be a trial version available for download here though.
From what I can gather from a quick overview of the page on the product it is capable of synthesising sounds from scratch (probably using frequency modulation) as well as altering an existing sound by running it through various filters.

Secondly, define "music creation engine". You will have to write the music yourself - there are numerous programs that allow you to do this, some with more bells and whistles than others - or you'll end up with very "unmusical" computer generated tunes most of the time. Music is rather complex and trying to automate generation of all but very simple things (or possibly a jazz making utility... ) usually just result in a random sounding audio mass.

"Why do programmers get Halloween and Christmas mixed up?"
Captain Coder
FPSC Reloaded TGC Backer
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Posted: 26th Jul 2011 01:10
What I mean by "Music Creation" is a program that can create music, like what some users sell in the Game Creator Store.

Captain Coder

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