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Work in Progress / IO Demo

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Posted: 29th Jul 2011 07:14 Edited at: 29th Jul 2011 07:21
IO Demo

This is a new demo I have started on. I got an idea for a concept and started to make it...

Here's a quick video of the intro:

I apologize for the crappy quality, but Windows Movie Maker sucks a exporting videos...

I have added a download so you can watch it in realtime. It runs in fullscreen at a resolution of 1280x720, so I hope people are able to run with that resolution.
I'll upload a Windowed version in the post below incase someone has trouble running fullscreen...


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Posted: 29th Jul 2011 07:21 Edited at: 29th Jul 2011 07:25
Windowed version attached!


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Blobby 101
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Posted: 29th Jul 2011 14:50
I would add some more interesting things going on in that bit, or speed up the names, because at the moment, what you have there is 1 minute 23 of nothing xD

The background is cool at first, but with nothing to look at except names (which, as much as crediting is good, people don't generally bother looking at) it quickly gets boring.

It's a nice start though, good luck with it.

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Posted: 29th Jul 2011 16:14
Hehe, that'll teach me to be all excited...

But I appreciate your honesty, and I guess your're right. There's not that much to look at yet. I'll keep working on it...

Thank you for the input.

Blobby 101
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Posted: 29th Jul 2011 16:19
no problem The music's really good as well, forgot to mention that xD

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Posted: 29th Jul 2011 16:22

Van B
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Posted: 29th Jul 2011 16:27
There needs to be more to these demos.

For instance, maybe make a couple of thousand objects and have them do something interesting. I made little demo a while ago called Crystal Worm, it's at the start of this video:

That was written in about an hour, it's just pointing objects, distance check, moving object, in a sequence. I'd be happy to share the code with you, maybe do some experiments with it, and see what you can come up with...

Health, Ammo, and bacon and eggs!

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