Maybe one day, when I've got enough free time to take on a project like that. To start with I'd have to write an FPS game! That alone wouldn't be an easy feat. For now I'm working on a Text based RPG the short term will remain text based, but in the long term I want to build that up to a 2D then 3D RPG game, with either an isometric viewpoint or first person, or even a blend of first, third and isometric views. Perhaps along the way an FPS game will come out of it.
The reason I've not produced another tutorial set to sell so far, has been my dislike of DVD resolution tutorials. I'd love to print to bluray but it's far too expensive for short runs, and the view experiments I've run have produced an endless series of problems.
Digital media is an alternative but I've got to develop a platform and some kind of protection or the thing will be bit-torrented as soon as it gets uploaded. The ideal platform would be you-tubes rental system but that's not available world wide the same goes for
The book has been on Amazon Kindle for a while, but it's a fiction book that's not related to DarkBASIC Professional or programming. I've not really had enough time to promote it, and I wanted to write the second novel before I started sending the first one off the publishing houses, but it's awfully difficult to get it picked up and realistically it's not likely to happen. Having said that, the second book has been drafted, I've stopped the rewrite for the moment, because I'm working on several youtube tutorial series, HTML, C++, DarkGDK and continuing the DarkBASIC Professional sprite series. As AppGameKit reaches final release I'm also casting my eye in it's direction.
Anyway, I've scripted the next eight DarkBASIC Professional video's, so they are ready to be made at any time, and the next tutorials I'm scripting will be C++, then DarkGDK, and by then AppGameKit will be released and I'll have a couple months worth of tutorials so I can study that.
Once I've done all that! I'll spend an uninterrupted month rewriting the second novel.
P.S. I'm re-releasing the first novel under a new name next year, in both printed and and ebook form. This is the new cover I've been working on (cause the last one was uninspired.)