I am in no way meaning to discourage you from your work, im just trying to help you along by showing you the competition...
A good HTML editor can be very useful at times...
And i understand where you guys are coming from when you say that frontpage is crappy.
When you look at the HTML code, it puts in a whole load of garbagge that doesn't need to be in there and it makes really messy code sometimes, It goes overboard with Indents sometimes and at other times, it'll not put wnough in for you to be able to read the code... It can be annoying yes.
Oh, and here is a bit of shameless self-promotion, I created a little program that makes a table in HTML from an image, and that table looks like the original image.
Set Window On
a$ = Chr$(34)
Load Bitmap "1.jpg",1
height$ = Str$(Bitmap Height())
width$ = Str$(Bitmap Width())
If File Exist("picture2.html") Then Delete File "picture2.html"
Open To Write 1,"picture2.html"
Write String 1,"<HTML>"
Write String 1,"<HEAD>"
Write String 1,"<TITLE>"
Write String 1,"This is The title"
Write String 1,"</TITLE>"
Write String 1,"</HEAD>"
Write String 1,""
Write String 1,"<BODY>"
Write String 1,"<DIV ALIGN="+a$+"center"+a$+">"
Write String 1,"<TABLE BORDER="+a$+"0"+a$+" CELLPADDING="+a$+"0"+a$+" CELLSPACING="+a$+"0"+a$+" HEIGHT="+a$+height$+a$+" WIDTH="+a$+width$+a$+">"
Sync On : Sync Rate 0
count = 0
For y=0 To Bitmap Height()
Write String 1,"<TR>"
For x=0 To Bitmap Width()
Set Current Bitmap 0
Set Cursor 0,(Screen Height()-40)
Print "reading pixel row number ";y;" of ";height$
Set Cursor 0,(Screen Height()-20)
Print "reading pixel column number ";x;" of ";width$
Set Current Bitmap 1
red = RGBr(b)
blue = RGBb(b)
green = RGBg(b)
redhex$ = Hex$(red)
bluehex$ = Hex$(blue)
greenhex$ = Hex$(green)
rgbhex$ = redhex$ + bluehex$ + greenhex$
If count < 10 Or count = Bitmap Width()
Write String 1,"<TD BGCOLOR="+a$+"#"+rgbhex$+a$+"></TD>"
Write String 1,"<TD BGCOLOR="+a$+"#"+rgbhex$+a$+"></TD>"
count = 0
Inc count
Next y
Write String 1,"</TR>"
Next x
Write String 1,"</TABLE>"
Write String 1,"</BODY>"
Write String 1,"</HTML>"
Close File 1
Set Cursor 0,0
Print "Complete"
I suggest using small images, because this can be REALLY slow sometimes...
Team EOD :: Programmer/Logical Engineer/All-Round Nice Guy