This one was good enough to I had friends and family urging me to try and sell copies of it online.
I insisted that it won't sell much and needs to be tested more, but I am running a trial run through eBay just to see if it generates any interest, and eBay simply because it gets a ton of traffic.
But anyhow, this was my 2nd completed project. I have added a lot to my version over what I remember as a child. I've added choices as to what part of town to sell lemonade at, including a risk vs reward location (more sales potential, but with a chance of getting robbed, mugged, etc) and paying a rental fee to sell in the rich people part of town. I've also added a top ten high score saver that records not only money made, but total score and avg temp for the game etc. And finally the game scores your performance based on the weather and other factors that you get in your game. For example, you might not make as much money as another player who gets lucky and has super hot temperatures every week, but you might just get a higher overall score if you make smarter decisions throughout your game.
Anyway, here is a sample video of my version of Lemonade:
Comments/suggestions welcome please!
- Zaxx
NOTE: Youtube link updated to show more current game footage.