Hello ,
I am working on my game , and I am creating my portal.
My portals will be like stargate and I am trying to create one puzzle to make my portal open.
Do you remember the light puzzle. You are pressing some buttons and then these buttons lits up and makes one musical sound.
Everytime you are pressing some of the buttons in correct order then one more combination added appended.
I will explain better. I have one pannel with 8 buttons.
You are pressing for example the 1st button and after a while , the puzzle adds one more button at the end of the sequence and then you need to press 2 buttons with correct order.
The puzzle adds one more combination at the end randomly.
The panel lit with the button you need to press
1 , 2.
The player need to press button 1 and button 2 , after that another one button added appended in the sequence and I need to press in the correct order again.
1 , 2 , 5.
Everytime player will press the correct order in the puzzle , the puzzle becomes faster and the buttons lits faster and the sequence becomes longer , untill the player do not remember what to press. If one mistake will happen , you are loosing whole puzzle and you need start over.
Is the light puzzle. I am trying to do this with my portals.