you not going to get one because you were wrong, and yeah my math was off as i only had 5mins to post but the fact remains ...
the FSB has nothing to do with the Ram Bus Speed, and its only the throughput value for the processor.
still remains that the FSB * Multiplyer = Processor Speed, DDR2 "Double DDR" isn't meaning 2 Seperate Speed Buses like you seem to believe but mean TWO THROUGHPUTS, Rather than having a single DDR Access you have 2 of them - this has nothing to do with the Speed of the Ram it simply means it can handel 2x the Input and Export load that Single DDR can.
And DDR simply handles 2 Loops within a Single Mhz Loop, so rather than processing 1 Set of Memory commands it can Process 2... which is different to the Double DDR becuase that is just additional Data NOT Data Processing.
But as I said the FSB has NOTHING to do with the Ram whatsoever - This is the Front Serial Bus Speed, which is the SPEED OF THE MOTHERBOARD ... you take the speed the motherboard is running at and multiply it until you reach the speed that the processor is capable of handling the instructions.
400mhz FSB becomes an 800Mhz bus not solely down to DDR technology but actually downto HyperThreading/HyperTransporting technology.
Which allows your processing upto 2 Processing Strings Per Cache Rather than the usual 1 - this is SIMILAR to DDR, but IS NOT DDR TECHNOLOGY.
The AGP Bus is a Multiplication of the original Bus Speed, which is 66Mhz this is achieved by Side Address Bandwidthing, basically upping the Speed of the bus to package larger strings of data rather than simply send the individual strings faster it sends a PACKET of strings.
The PCI Bus 2.1 Compliant however doesn't do this, it is capable of UPTO 66mhz transporting to Sync with the ^3 Motherboard FSB ... however it must keep a Host speed of 33mhz, which means you have Host Speed of 33mhz Bus + a Additional Address Speed of 33mhz - these are combined to achieve the 66mhz PCI bus which is EXACTLY why VAGP bloody works the way it does.
Before your wanna start spouting off how i should apologise lookup you s**t, i build freaking PCs no more than 7years ago for a job when this technology was just comming to pass, and i've not lost my touch with exactly what is capable of what.
Which is also why i can tell you that PCI Express WILL NEVER phase out the AGP port because it works TOTALLY different to PCI's design which is designed to bottleneck operations so that everyone can share the bandwidth just like a Cable Tolken Network does.
Quite frankly the more you say the MORE you show you don't have a f**king clue and again I AM HERE TO HELP INFERNO not some snot nosed brat with a bug up his ass.