Quote: "I hit a section where there was no possible jump that I could reach."
Yes, unfortunately that is possible.
I tried to fix it but don't know how since I'm still
quite new to programming.
If anyone has an idea or knows how to fix that
please help.
Oh and here is uncompressed version:
Rem Project: Jumper
Rem Created: Friday, July 15, 2011
Rem ***** Main Source File *****
`Set display
set display mode 800,600,32
sync on : sync rate 60
autocam off
hide mouse
set ambient light 35
color backdrop 0
score = 0
gameover = 0
speed# = 0
speedy# = -10
dim platforms(20)
dim stars(200)
JumpBonusTimer# = rnd(500)+200
stepy = 0
stepx = 0
`Make player
make object box 1,30,5,10
position object 1,0,0,500
color object 1,rgb(255,255,0)
`Make player body
make object box 5850,30,50,10
color object 5850,rgb(255,255,0)
`Make jump bonus
make object sphere 5851,20
color object 5851,rgb(0,200,0)
position object 5851,rnd(900)-450,400,500
`Make platforms
for x = 2 to array count(platforms())
make object box x,50,10,20
color object x,rgb(rnd(100)+100,rnd(100)+100,rnd(100)+100)
position object x,stepx,rnd(20)-50+stepy,500
inc stepy,50
stepx = rnd(720)-360
next x
`Make stars
for x = 41 to array count(stars())
make object sphere x,3
color object x,RGB(255,255,255)
position object x,rnd(1000)-500,rnd(800)-300,rnd(100)+500
next x
set text size 26
set text size 40 : set text font "impact" : ink rgb(217,224,21),0
center text 400,15,"Score : "+str$(score)
`Fake camera movement
if object position y(1) => 50 and speedy# <= 0
for x = 41 to array count(stars())
move object down x,speedy#*-0.3
next x
for x = 2 to array count(platforms())
move object down x,speedy#*-0.8
next x
move object down 1,speedy#*-0.8
if JumpBonusTimer# <= 0
move object down 5851,speedy#*-0.8
`Player movement
inc speedy#,0.2
if speedy# => 10 then speedy# = 10
speed# = speed#*0.93
move object down 1,speedy#
move object left 1,speed#
if leftkey() = 1 or mouseclick() = 1 then inc speed#,0.5
if rightkey() = 1 or mouseclick() = 2 then dec speed#,0.5
for x = 2 to array count(platforms())
if object collision (1,x) and speedy# => 0
speedy# = -7
next x
`Player body movement
position object 5850,object position x(1),object position y(1)+25,object position z(1)
`Movement restrictions
if object position x(1) > 380
position object 1,380,object position y(1),500
if object position x(1) < -380
position object 1,-380,object position y(1),500
if object position x(5850) > 380
position object 5850,380,object position y(5850),500
if object position x(5850) < -380
position object 5850,-380,object position y(5850),500
`Platforms movement
for x = 2 to array count(platforms())
move object down x,1
if gameover = 0
if object position y(x) < -320
inc score,1
position object x,stepx,400,object position z(x)
stepx = rnd(720)-360
next x
`Stars movement
for x = 41 to array count(stars())
strcol = rnd(255)
move object down x,0.3
if gameover = 0
if object position y(x) < -350
position object x,rnd(1000)-500,rnd(100)+300,rnd(100)+500
next x
`Jump bonus
dec JumpBonusTimer#,0.35
if JumpBonusTimer# <= 0
move object down 5851,2
if object collision (5850,5851)
speedy# = -20
position object 5851,0,-500,0
if object position y(5851) < -320
JumpBonusTimer# = rnd(500)+200
position object 5851,rnd(900)-450,400,500
`Restart button
if spacekey() = 1
`reset variables
JumpBonusTimer# = rnd(500)+200
score = 0
gameover = 0
speed# = 0
speedy# = -10
stepy = 0
stepx = 0
`reposition player
position object 1,0,0,500
position object 5850,object position x(1),object position y(1)+25,object position z(1)
`reposition platforms
for x = 2 to array count (platforms())
position object x,stepx,rnd(20)-50+stepy,500
inc stepy,50
stepx = rnd(720)-360
next x
`reposition stars
for x = 41 to array count(stars())
position object x,rnd(1000)-500,rnd(800)-300,rnd(100)+500
next x
`Reset bonuses
position object 5851,rnd(900)-450,400,500
wait 100
if object position y(1) =< -350 then gameover = 1
if gameover = 1
`platforms fall down
for x = 2 to array count(platforms())
move object down x,5
next x
`stars fall down
for x = 41 to array count(stars())
move object down x,4
next x
`bonuses fall down
if JumpBonusTimer# <= 0
move object down 5851,5
if object position y(5851) < -320
JumpBonusTimer# = 999999999999
JumpBonusTimer# = 999999999999