Hi Guys,
I know it's cruel to throw you a competition only four days after we launch AppGameKit, and a comp that only lasts 48 hours at that. Since the competition does not have any prizes as such, in addition to the kudos of completing a game and showing the world, if you mention in your entry that it was created in AppGameKit and use the AppGameKit logo found here (http://www.appgamekit.com/documentation/distribution.html), if you win a Gold, Silver or Bronze badge in LUDUM DARE 48 #21, we will refund you your purchase of AppGameKit and mention your achievement in the next newsletter.
I am a great fan of 24 and 48 hour game making competitions as it gives me the perfect excuse to stay up all night, eat pizza, drink coke and go absolutely code nuts on a game idea.
To everyone brave enough to enter, good luck and may AppGameKit be with you, always.
I drink tea, and in my spare time I write software.