Hello everybody
I am very new to AppGameKit
Yesterday I tried some things on Windows but may be there is something I don't understand, so I would like to ask the question.
First, I would like to apologize for my poor english, because I came from France, so I hope you will understand what I try to say
Here's my problem, first, I'm going to quote the documentation :
Quote: "You will find that when using the Windows AppGameKit IDE, applications are automatically created in the project folder that holds the project files, so there is no need for a separate build process here. Simply zip or pack the entire contents of your project folder to easily transport your application.
For added security, we suggest you make a copy of your project folder, rename it and then delete any files with the following extensions: CBP, DBPRO, AGC. You should also delete the SourceCode.agc from the media folder to protect your source code from un-wanted distribution."
I tried it, compiling a sample (spaceshooter). The resolution of this game is 1024 by something (683 or something).
If I delete all the CBP, DBPRO, AGC files, when I launch the game, the size of the screen become very very small. But if I keep this file, that's ok.
It seems to be the setup.agc file. So we have to let this file in the folder ? or I missed something ? Are we obliged to keep the setup.agc file for windows ?
Thank you for you help
Happy AppGameKit !