found this also show the set command for it. which might do what you wish.
Quote: "
This command will get the current stance of the entity. The stance can be defined using AI Set Entity Stance, and is not changing by the AI system. See AI Set Entity Stance for the different behaviours that the stances correspond to.
In manual mode this value has no effect and can be used to store an integer value for any purpose.
return integer = AI Get Entity Stance ( Entity Number )
Entity Number, The id of the entity to check.
The entity stance as a positive integer.
This command sets the entity stance mode which controls behaviour during automatic mode control (see AI Set Entity Control). During manual control this has no effect except to store the value.
There are 4 main behaviours which have been implemented in automatic mode that you can use to define how you want entities to behave. These can be described as Run Away, Stationary, Cautious and Aggressive.
- Run Away is the default state for neutral entities and results in an entity moving away from any sound it hears or damage it receives from a known direction. Entities are still able to fire in this mode (except neutral entities) but are likely to quickly move out of sight and lose their target. (mode=3)
- Stationary limits the entity to their idle position but they are still allowed to return fire and duck. The entity will not investigate sounds nor move when attacked. (mode=2)
- Cautious allows the entity to move about freely whilst attacking a target but will not attempt to follow or search for a target that goes out of sight. Also it does not readily approach a target preferring to shoot from a distance. (mode=0)
- Aggressive is similar to cautious except that the entity will move towards targets and follow them when they go out of sight. It will also briefly search for targets that remain out of sight for extended periods before returning to its idle position. (mode=1)
You can then use the AI Set Entity Can ____ commands to refine the behaviour to further restrict or allow certain actions that the entity can perform.
AI Set Entity Stance Entity Number, Mode
Entity Number, The id of the entity to set the stance.
Mode, The new stance for the entity as a positive integer.
Dark Physics makes any hot drink go cold.