As Hodgey says, AppGameKit puts the file where it must. It's kind of like the ID system for entities, where you don't know what the ID of the sprite is, and you don't care what the ID of the sprite is.
In your case, does it matter where the file is? Post some code so we can see what might be the problem.
If you want to know where AppGameKit is writing to and reading from, you can us GetWritePath().
Here's an example based on the one that comes with AGK.
OpenToWrite ( 1, "myfile.txt", 0 )
WriteInteger ( 1, 10 )
WriteFloat ( 1, 1.23 )
WriteString ( 1, "hello" )
CloseFile ( 1 )
// reading from a file
OpenToRead ( 1, "myfile.txt" )
a = ReadInteger ( 1 )
b# = ReadFloat ( 1 )
c$ = ReadString ( 1 )
CloseFile ( 1 )
d$ = GetWritePath()
Print("Integer: " + str(a))
Print("Float : " + str(b#,2))
Print("String : " + c$)
Print("Your file path is:")
f = 0
for e = 1 to len(d$)
if mid(d$, e, 1) = "\"
print(mid(d$, f, e - f + 1))
f = e + 1
next c
The filepath is really long, probably so long that it would run off the right side of the screen, so I broke it up into separate strings. It's sloppy, but it
will show you where your files are going. The last part is so long that you may need to set your screen to a landscape type resolution (640, 480) to see it.