Still the same issue, it compiles just fine. Except the player(In this case, dsfds.exe, as I just buttonmashed something for the project name) crashes, again. This same odd issue happens on my own game when I try writing data into my highscore file, while it works fine without that code.. Anyways, I've attached the image to this post, the compile log shows nothing abnormal, and it's really the player that crashes.
It's very odd, and my other code that crashes the player is:
Function Data_SaveHighScores()
If GetFileExists("HighScore.dat") = 1 `File already exists? Delete it to ensure we're not getting in trouble later.
TempFile = OpenToWrite("HighScore.dat", 0)
For i = 1 to MaxHighScores
WriteString(TempFile, HighScore[i].Name)
WriteInteger(TempFile, HighScore[i].Score)
Next i
Everything works until I call that function, it creates the file, but before it can write any data the exact same crash occurs.
EDIT: Also, my apologies for my previous post. It seems to come off way more aggressive than I had intended.