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3 Dimensional Chat / Mazz 2011 sketchbook/ portfolio

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Posted: 3rd Oct 2011 00:01 Edited at: 3rd Oct 2011 00:01
Well, hello everyone,
It's been far too long since I posted anything on here that had anything to do with 3D or my own work, I do have a reason however.

about 2 months ago I was getting ready to head off to uni, however before hand I decided to apply for an internship with a company named VEEMEE, it was an incredibly enjoyable experience, which was suprising as it was 10 - 6

I learnt more across those 3 weeks than I did in years of self taught bad habits

And as I was getting ready to head off to independance and the joys of university life they offered me a job, I am now working as a trainee artist at this company VEEMEE, I'm hoping that I'll be able to post the work that I do there on here once it goes live.

Until then I felt like posting some of my odd, and slow, personal projects, and what is better to start off with than a concept of an odd creature, I'm really sticking to what I know

I'm planning on giving this the usual treatment, base, sculpt, reto and finally texture...

As usual I'd be very to happy to hear any thoughts you have and any comments you wish to share, as well as any questions you may have about whatever, which I would be very happy to answer, it's good to be back.

David Gervais
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Posted: 3rd Oct 2011 13:05 Edited at: 3rd Oct 2011 13:07
Hi Mazz, good to see you peeking back in. I do have a few comments about this sketch..

First, I love how the head has both an insect and alien feel, but the human body (especially the size) make it look like you simply edited the head and stretched the arms. I'd suggest you narrow the body to about half the width to make his body fall more in line with what his head suggests. And by narrow I do not mean to make him skeletal. if he is alien in origin, why not give him a few extra ribs? that would help elongate his body.

Thats about all I can suggest. Like I said, the concept looks great, the odd (large) size of the torso is fighting against the rest of the body parts.

Maybe if you put it aside and come back to it after a few hours after reading this, you'll see what I mean.

Cheers buddy!

P.S. Oh and Gratz on snagging the job.

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Posted: 23rd Oct 2011 02:21 Edited at: 23rd Oct 2011 02:40
thanks david, I did some tweaks to the design although I think that I may of bitten off more than I could chew with this particular model, and thank you very much david, much appreciated

Because of this I've decided to scrap, or at least post pone, working on the previous creature. Plus I havent posted anything for practically a month might give you an idea of how difficult it's been getting used to deadlines and trying to throw some bad habits out the window.

Anyway, my plan for the time being is to throw toghether some quick models that will both attempt to look nice and hopefully serve as an educational lesson in some form of modelling.

The following is something I've been working on on and off for the last few days, it's mainly been a self taught lesson in baking and producing proper normals for game ready assets.

It's been rendered in blenders realtime previewer, I'm gonna try and pick up marmouset at some point so I'm hoping that things will start looking better fairly soon.

Anyway let me know what you think and what not.

it currently sits at 650 tri's, here are some wireframes...

and the textures, which are 512 * 512...

as said before any comments appreciated, and thanks

David Gervais
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Posted: 23rd Oct 2011 13:44
The normals look great on the stone, but, something seems odd about the 'symbol/rune' are the normals reversed? It could just be the way my eye is seeing it, but is it supposed to look engraved? or embossed?

Overall, another great model/sample. I tried to play with normals a few times and the results were not good at all. Even with the nVidia plug-in for PSP to generate normals things always looked odd when rendered.

Keep up the great work, and keep having fun.


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Posted: 23rd Oct 2011 19:48 Edited at: 23rd Oct 2011 19:55
David Gervais@
Thanks david, the symbol thing was originally extruded, should of probably posted the high poly in the first place and its been the same with me, making normal maps in the past wasn't ever all that great, however i recently got a hold of xnormal, superb program for baking normal data as well as AO passes

well here's another I threw toghether today, once again it was mainly a self taught lesson in baking normals and throwing in support loops to prevent waviness and distortion, once again my main concern wasn't ever the UV's, although if blenders straightening feature had worked I'd of managed to remove the waviness from the main protion, annoying but couldnt of been helped

anyway, let me know what you think and if you have any questions throw 'em my way as well.

and the textures...

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Posted: 23rd Oct 2011 21:47
the normals on that is EYECANDY, pure EYECANDY!
Texture is also pretty amazing, though i myself would add a bit of dirt to it aswell.. thats just my personal way of doing it.

that said: awesome prop!

The result of origin.. Oh and ponies
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Posted: 22nd Nov 2011 01:46
Thanks Quik

It's been quite a while since I posted anything, work is both demanding and rewarding. I finally got around to picking up a copy of UV layout which has allowed me to decrease the amount of time a model takes by a considerable amount.

Anyway, I started work on this at the weekend, it's still a wip but I'm fairly happy with how it is going at the moment.

And here are some portions of the current textures, 512 * 512 spec, normal and colour maps/

Travis Gatlin
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Posted: 22nd Nov 2011 03:36
Your good at texturing! I wish i could find some nice tutorials on it because i seem to be having some trouble.
For the latest news on my FPS in development, check out my blog!
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Posted: 4th Dec 2011 13:27
Thanks travis, texture wise it's pretty simple to be honest, just baked ao maps, a cavity and some hand painted elements, along with a trusty free to use wood photo

If you're struggling check out racer445's tutorials, very helpful but really just studying materials is often the best way, figuring out how the specular element would be portrayed and what not is very helpful as well.

Well its been a while since i posted anything, works been fun and a bit of a challenge recently, anyway, heres a little personal project i began work on last weekend, this is just a very rough bake... as I'm sure you can tell

There are several issues that'll need to be removed, that'll be done by rebaking certain elements seperately, fairly simple stuff.

Anyway let me know what you think, and as usual any questions or comments are welcome.

henry ham
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Posted: 4th Dec 2011 18:26
looks good mate any chance we can see the low poly mesh you are baking to ?

cheers henry

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Posted: 6th Dec 2011 16:30 Edited at: 6th Dec 2011 16:31
cheers Henry, glad to hear you like it, sure, I've included the low poly in the image below, I can however post a dedicated low poly image(s) if you want, I know that they're rather small in the image

Anyway, I sorted out the bakes and began work on the texture, been a bit of an up hill struggle this weekend, wasn't really sure what to do until earlier today, luckily I had a few days off to think it over, anyway let me know what you think and as always, any questions or comments are appreciated, as well as ideas texture wise

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Posted: 6th Dec 2011 16:39
I would spend a couple more edges and the handle thing on the left, as EVERYTHING but that partk looks VERY smooth and such

otherwise GREAT job, and it looks like it was an awesome bake aswell

The result of origin.. Oh and ponies
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Posted: 7th Dec 2011 15:55
That's one 'cranky' pistol. Har har.

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Posted: 9th Dec 2011 01:06
that made me laugh but i felt ashamed

quick update, not much new

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Posted: 9th Dec 2011 03:33
Sweet looking gun, I like it, good work
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Posted: 13th Dec 2011 12:19
Looking good as always mazz, nice to see your branching out from characters to hard surface gear

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Posted: 18th Dec 2011 02:31 Edited at: 18th Dec 2011 02:32
erebusman thanks, im currently working on some finishing touches that hopefully i'll have up on here at some point

lazerus hey man, thanks haha, yeah it was getting a bit stale, although i've been doing hard surface stuff almost entirely at work lately

I'm gonna try and upload some changes i've done to the gun at some point however for the time being I just thought I should drop a quick screenshot of what I started working on rather recently, been doing this entirely in maya thus far, I'm trying to avoid using zbrush as I've tended to rely on it too heavily in the past.

Anyway let me know what you thinik, questions, comments and what not are all appreciated, there's obviously a lot of work still to be done.

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Posted: 18th Dec 2011 21:23 Edited at: 18th Dec 2011 21:23
I preferred the aliens :3

You nailed that face (Errr...), most people normally fail on female faces as they need to be smooth enough to not look like a man but still need to have the muscles in to look real. Can't wait to see it finished!
DBPro Master
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Posted: 20th Dec 2011 03:03
The face looks really good! Will you be texturing?

It's hard to say without a clearer look at the reference, but the chin looks like it may be slightly wide/broad across the front, extending out just past the corners of the mouth, while the ref is slightly narrower, just inside the corners.

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Posted: 21st Dec 2011 21:40 Edited at: 21st Dec 2011 21:42
mike5424 Thanks, while the aliens were fun they weren't very helpful in terms of what I learnt from them and haha I'm glad you think I, em, nailed it... And yeah, trying to find that balance is really tough.

Ortu Thanks, I'm planning on giving it a go, gonna go for a hand painted wow style, not sure how that'll go, this is kind of an experiment for that and I should of probably made it clear that I wasnt trying to match the reference, I was simply using it as a guide.

Anyway, here's a little update, I started work the head itself a little while ago, patching the pieces toghether and what not and I managed to make the head way too round, so it was back to an earlier version, thanks to maya's regular crashes and emergency saves that was possible

Anyway, let me know what you think, feedback of any kind is useful and as I said above feel free to ask questions and what not, thanks.

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Posted: 22nd Dec 2011 20:40
Hey everyone, I don't have anything to update at this exact moment I'd just like everyone to know something, I was at work earlier and I clicked on my thread (this thread) in order to have a quick glance to self critique and I recieved a 'known malware' warning from a link on the page, as all my image links come from imageshack I can only assume that it's someones sig or a roaming advert, one of the two, just thought I'd let you all know to be safe, hope this doesnt ruin someones day

and mod's dont worry I'll edit this post with some updates on the gun later, I'm hoping you see my reasoning behind the double post

in fact why wait, here's the update. May as well

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Posted: 23rd Dec 2011 06:21
Hmm, i both like and dislike it, i dislike it because the old model reminded me of Portal-ish, this new one of Brink or the like...

Still, very cool.. just not as clean x)

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Posted: 25th Dec 2011 20:07
Quik cheers man, yeah, I was wanting to dirty it up a bit from the start

Well, it's not a head, it's not an alien and it's not a christmas present... sorry about that

It is in fact yet another gun, I know, I'm beginning to really enjoy subdivision modelling, it's a nice speedy way of producing something clean and pretty as of yet all I have is the high poly, it's currently sat on about 600,000 tri's so it's about time I begin working on the low poly before my maya dies of stress, anyway, let me know what you think, very wip at this stage but any comments or questions design wise or practically speaking are more than welcome, and a merry christmas to all, or happy holidays depending on how you feel about that whole minefield

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Posted: 26th Dec 2011 20:53
Well I managed to get the low finished for the gun itself, was pretty tedious but retopology is starting to get somewhat easier, I'm going to do the clip seperately on a smaller texture, currently I'm working on a 1024 map simplay so that I have space to play with for finer details.

Anyway, here's the update, let me know what you think.

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Posted: 27th Dec 2011 04:05
i'd say drop osme polies on the trigger and add ACTUAL geometry to the model itself, even with the normal it looks VERY flat as soon as perspective kicks in..

other than that it looks good, except for the texture being very bland, it looks... booring color wise

The result of origin.. Oh and ponies

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