Although I understand the idea of using SQL, I don't think it would be really necessary to be supported directly by AppGameKit tier 1. The problem with that is the fact that it should be a database supported for all platforms. Not sure if this is true for SQLite.
Thinking about Tier 1 code, I think it would be more useful for keep configuration files, saved data, etc in a structured text-base file. The two that comes to my mind is the old Windows INI format, and XML.
If TGC wants to be safe for future implementations, maybe creating a generic set of functions to access SQL-type data (aka table, row, field) that could be connected to the actual driver. The concept would be very similiar to ODBC for example. That way, if platform A supports SQLite, it could use it, and if platform B supports WhateverSQL, the same code could be used, just changing the underlying library. This is very nice, but I'm not sure if it worth the effort to make versus the number of people that would use it.
My vote would be stay with a INI or XML format though.