Quote: "Doesn't seem any different to me..."
It only happens if i do it like this!
Start up agk.
It boots up with my last saved workspace.
And if i only make changes to the file that agk opens up in front and compile and run it.
Takes ages for it to compile and run.
But if i click on any of the other files and also change some lines on it.
takes seconds to run and compile.
Iam confused!
I noticed this by mistake as i didt have so much time today to code, and only made some small changes on the file that whas opened up in front.
But now when i know so is it not that big problem.
But the weird thing is that i know tryed to recreate the problem and it always runs in seconds ?
Must have bin some kind of conflict somewhere?
Quote: "Do you work on the 3d engine with AppGameKit now?"
No! iam still learning the basics with agk and it still have some flaws and buggs.
The first attempts make it seam like alot more complicated in the agk?
But at the same time so is the agk alot faster.
Hopefully sometime in the future?