Hi chromatic3d and welcome to the forum!
Both your effects were nice, and made me long for x-mas, haha I live in Norway, and know all about snow...
To post your code, you should press the "code" button before and after the code. You find the button above the rows of smilies in the edit box when posting messages, press it to insert HTML like formatting of the text into code text.
Indention should be done also, like this, for better readability:
// Initialize Display
SetDisplayAspect( 1.66 )
// Load Images
LoadImage( 1, "/image01.png", ap )
LoadImage( 2, "/image02.png", ap )
LoadImage( 3, "/image03.png", ap )
LoadImage( 4, "/image04.png", ap )
LoadImage( 5, "/image05.png", ap )
// Load Sounds
LoadSound( 1, "/bell01.wav" )
LoadSound( 2, "/bell02.wav" )
LoadSound( 3, "/bell03.wav" )
LoadSound( 4, "/bell04.wav" )
LoadSound( 5, "/bell05.wav" )
// Play Sound
for i = 1 to 5
PlaySound( i, 50, 0 )
SetSoundSystemVolume( 50 )
next i
// Set Particles
for i = 1 to 5
CreateParticles( i, 50, 50 )
SetParticlesImage( i, i )
SetParticlesVisible( i, 1 )
next i
for i = 1 to 5
SetParticlesPosition( i, 50, 50 )
SetParticlesAngle( i, 360 )
SetParticlesColorInterpolation( i,1 )
AddParticlesColorKeyFrame( i, 4, 255, 255, 255, 255-i*25 )
AddParticlesColorKeyFrame( i, 2, 255, 255, 255, 255-i*25 )
AddParticlesColorKeyFrame( i, 1, 255, 255, 255, 255-i*25 )
SetParticlesDepth( i, 1000 )
SetParticlesDirection( i, 0, 6*i )
SetParticlesFrequency( i, 100 )
SetParticlesLife( i, 150 )
SetParticlesMax( i, -1 )
SetParticlesSize( i, .2 )
SetParticlesStartZone( i, 1, 1,-1, -1 )
SetParticlesVelocityRange( i, .1, .15 )
next i
// Main Loop
for i =1 to 5
xx = GetPointerX()
yy = GetPointery()
SetParticlesPosition( i, xx, yy )
next i
mp= GetPointerPressed()
if mp > 0
print (xx)
pl= xx/25+1 : PlaySound( pl, 100, 0 )
mu = GetPointerReleased()
mh = GetPointerState()
AGK user - novice
Did Amiga / AMOS programming in the 90's, just started programming again with AGK.