Thanks, that worked.
A friend suggested that I should make a tower defense game, which doesn't seem too hard.
However I'm having some trouble with the matrix.
I've searched the forums for a while, but I still don't understand it entirely.
I want to have a 16x16 matrix with 64x64 tiles.
Am I right saying that you can texture each tile individually with
and could you tell me if I've used the prepare matrix texture correctly (code is down below)?
And is this the correct way to create the matrix I want:
Make Matrix 1, 1024, 1024, 16, 16
Is there any other way to texture the matrix more easily (I used
For i=0 to i=7
Set Matrix Tile 1, 8, i, 17
Next i
, etc.)
I'm also having trouble with viewing the matrix.
I've set up the camera:
// Rem ***** Camera *****
Make Camera 1
Position Camera 1, 0, 100, 0
And I've created the matrix:
Make Matrix 1, 1024, 1024, 16, 16 `Create the map with 16x16 tiles. Tilesize: 64x64
Prepare Matrix Texture 1, 14, 64, 64 `"media/road/bottom_to_left.png"
Prepare Matrix Texture 1, 15, 64, 64 `"media/road/bottom_to_right.png"
Prepare Matrix Texture 1, 16, 64, 64 `"media/road/left_to_right.png"
Prepare Matrix Texture 1, 17, 64, 64 `"media/road/top_to_bottom.png"
Prepare Matrix Texture 1, 18, 64, 64 `"media/road/top_to_left.png"
Prepare Matrix Texture 1, 19, 64, 64 `"media/road/top_to_right.png"
Prepare Matrix Texture 1, 20, 64, 64 `"media/obstacles/tree.png"
Prepare Matrix Texture 1, 21, 64, 64 `"media/towers/blue.png"
Prepare Matrix Texture 1, 22, 64, 64 `"media/enemies/red.png"
For i=0 to i=7
Set Matrix Tile 1, 8, i, 17
Next i
Set Matrix Tile 1, 8, 8, 19
Set Matrix Tile 1, 9, 8, 16
Set Matrix Tile 1, 10, 8, 16
Set Matrix Tile 1, 11, 8, 14
For i=9 to i=15
Set Matrix Tile 1, 11, i, 17
Next i
Position Matrix 1, 0, 0, 0
Update Matrix 1
But all that happens (or all that I can see happening) is the backdrop color changing from white to green.
I know it's alot of questions, but I couldn't find the answer anywhere else on these forums
Also, I'd like to say that it's very encouraging to see how many people respond to my questions so quickly and that you're all trying to help!